Chapter Two (Ford)

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  They come armed and aggressive. I recognize the orange flag with the silhouette of a bare tree with three crows. It is unmistakably the Shadow Crow, Kortzoph's crew. Of course we'd heard rumors of his rising to power, we'd been warned about the danger. But I hadn't guessed he'd be waiting just around the bloody corner! It's absolute chaos, and I'm caught in the middle of it. There's shoving, punching, gunfire, and the clinking noise of steel against steel. I hear a splash beneath the noise and risk a second of weakness to look behind me at the source of the noise.

  I see Laiwa climbing over the edge of the ship and jumping. What is she doing? While I recover from the strange sight I'd just seen, I take a risked fist to the jaw. I'm snapped back into reality and I turn and get a brief look at enemy who'd just punched me before he hits me again on the other side of my face. I stumble backwards and quickly try to regain my balance. When he doesn't suspect it I come at him and elbow him in the stomach. I don't hesitate to kick him hard so he falls to the ground. I dash away, trying to get away from the chaos, to the side of the ship where I'd just seen Laiwa jump. Then, I can't believe what I see. I stand there, with a pained look on my face before Hurley rushes up from below deck over to me.

  "What are you doing?" he says, "Are you oblivious to everything that's happening? It's Kortzoph, his men are everywhere!" His face shows a mix of determination and trying to bury down fear. The sight of him almost makes me smile amidst it all, this is what I love about him. Laiwa misjudged him, Hurley is as anxious and unstoppable as a mule. Then he notices the look on my face and his expression changes. "Ford, what is it?" he asks, his tone gentler, His caring doll eyes peeking out from under his blonde shaggy bangs.

  I look over the edge and painfully stare across the water, I can just make out my sister and Tariq, escaping in a longboat rowing there way to safety.

  Hurley follows my line of vision and then gives me a sad look, understanding. It's the so called soft side that Laiwa sees, his ability to feel empathy. I shut my eyes, "The bloody cowards!" I growl.

  "Just forget about them Ford, they're nothing like real family." says Hurley "come on, we've got bigger problems. And your the bravest pirate on this crew so we're gonna need your help." He tosses me a sword and I unsheathe it immediately, ready for battle. More enemies are crossing over onto our deck.

  "I have an idea." I say.

  "Pray tell" Hurley encouraged.

  "Look over there at the Shadow Crow, see Kortzoph?" Hurley squints, then nods. "He's all alone, completely unprotected except for his first mate and a young girl."

  "I see that," says Hurley, "But what you're implying is crazy. We are not going over there."

  "I think we've got a good shot, two against two. We can jump on, and I'll use the first mate as a body guard and you can threaten with your sword-" I protest.

  "Ford, we aren't the only one's who are armed." 

  "They've got guns about Greg over there. He's a good pick pocket."

  Hurley, is unamused. "That's Dezmin, Greg is over there lying unconscious." I follow his gaze and stare at the short, pudgy pirate dreaming. An enemy stomps on his hand with his boot and Greg wakes up sputtering in pain with a knife threatening his throat. I gulp and stare back at the stubborn man I'm tryin to convince. "But that's besides the point. there's a reason Kortzoph is so feared Ford!"

  "Wasn't it you who just called me the bravest pirate on this crew?"

  "I left out you're also the craziest. But your not goin to give up on this are ya?"

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