Intoduction (Ford)

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  My name is Ford Doswood, you may have heard of me. I am the son of Tariq Doswood, yeah, he currently captains Bessy's Boot. Don't get me wrong, it's a sweet life. When you're king of the ocean, breathing in the salty mist in the air, you feel, free. But it is also lonely. To my father, I'm just another crewman, he orders us around like dogs. Most of the time he's drunk and doesn't even know what he's saying, it's a miracle he's so well known and so feared. He's made it this far because he was born into a wealthy life and didn't waste it all on junk like most others out there that were in his position.

  My older sister is on this ship, she is the first mate. Her name is Laiwa. She is strict, harsh and knowledge-hungry. She is like Tariq's manager. She is neat and clever, and Tariq is a mess. But Laiwa is sly as a fox, she is dangerous.

  My best friend is Hurley, he's new and can't get used to the rocking movement of the ship carried by waves. He wouldn't have lasted til now though if he didn't have helping him adapt to the life on board the Boot. Tariq yells at him for puking often. Laiwa will tell you he's a softy, he isn't cut out for the life of a pirate. She'd tell you that he needs to be disciplined mercilessly. If only she could hear what rumors are flying around behind her back. I don't believe anyone's ever insulted her, especially seeing as Tariq has ranked her so high. 

  Life on the Bessy's Boot just doesn't satisfy me. The orders, the grimy crew, no mercy, and Laiwa. I've gotta get out of here, I'm destined for great things. I'll get  my own crew and sail the vast ocean, completely free. The wind in my hair, I can just taste it. And Hurley, he can come too.

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