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1 month.

A moth without her.

Without her kiss.



All of it.


But worst of all,

She's gone and away from me.

And I can't do anything about it this time.


I sit by her bed watching her chest rise and fall while she lays there pale.

A ventilator to help her breath and my blood being inserted into her.

They said if she didn't get blood she would die. And she had a very rare blood type that I had too.

She also in a coma. The doctors says she only has a 54% chance of waking up so I'm holding on to that 54% very tightly.

I already know she's going to hate me when she wakes up for saving her.

But then the thing that surprises me that after I think that her eyes flutter open.

She looks at me with a glare. I give her a small smile.

She starts to cough from the ventilator. I call for a doctor and they take it out.

"You jerk." She says looking at me. Her voice is raspy and dry.

The gang walks in the door and their eyes light up when they see Tris.

"Tris!" They exclaim but she just keeps glaring at me.

Dang she is pissed.

"I hate you." She croaks punching me in the arm since I'm right next to her.

"You'll thank me later." I smirk at her.

3 weeks later.

"Will you ever talk to me?" I ask her and she once agains ignore me just like she has for the past 3 weeks.

We are back with Tori, but Tris won't talk to anyone. Like not even Tori.
We are back to square one. Sometimes I hear her sing from her closed door but that's it.

"Come on Beatrice!" I say pounding my head on the wall.

She looks at me with a glare but then she smirks and stands up and right in front of me.

"You want me to talk?" She whispers and I nod my head.

"Fine well here, I. Hate. You." She walks away.

All this because I saved her from commenting suicide.

And now she hates me.

Another 3 weeks...

"Oh my god talk to us! It's been a month and 2 weeks!" Chris yells at her. Still nothing from Tris. And it's killing me I can't hold her or kiss her. It's tearing me to pieces!

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