Chapter 13- It's Over

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"Makoto, dear," Makoto's mom opened Makoto's door.

"Yea?" Makoto looked up, meeting his mother's stare.

Haru slept over at Makoto's that night. Even though Makoto's parents could take care of their own son by themselves, Haru insisted that he be with Makoto until he got better. He also wanted to get on good terms with Makoto's parents, since he was the one that twisted their child's ankle.

Makoto wasn't in serious harm. Well, he was handicapped, since he had crutches, but he could still walk without them. Of course he would need support from Haru, or somebody else. 

Since Makoto was handicapped, it prevented the both of them from doing anything 'dirty', thank goodness. Instead, the two of them spent most of their time playing video games or talking to their friends. In fact, they chatted with Nagisa and Rei earlier that day! The two swimmers were quite relieved that their best friend was alright. 

Rin came to visit the other day as well. He seemed overjoyed to know that Haru and Makoto were together, but let's be real, he was dying on the inside.

"Someone came to see you," Makoto's mom gestured towards the front door.

"Tell them they can come in," Makoto grunted as he picked up Haru and placed him on his lap, sideways. "Tell them I'm in my room."

"Alright!" Makoto's mom left, but quickly popped back, "And I just wanted to let you guys know that you're REALLY cute! Oh, I ship it so much..."

Makoto's mom continued to babble on as she walked away.

"After all these years she's still the same person," Makoto chuckled.

"I still like her,"

"I know I know so do I."

Haru smiled and snuggled up in Makoto's chest. It felt so good to finally have Makoto all to himself again.

"Hey!" A familiar voice shouted. 

"Haru-" Haru asked.

"-hi?" Makoto finished.

"It's been a while," Haruhi approached, waving. 

Thankfully, Haruhi didn't believe in homosexuality, so she didn't think that Haru was snuggling with Makoto because he liked him. If Haru was a girl however...

Makoto gave Haruhi a warm smile, while Haru glared at the short-haired brunette.

"I'm sorry I couldn't come visit you at the hospital," Haruhi apologized. "I had to attend business in America."

"What kind of work?" Haru asked, while seductively touching Makoto.

Hey, Haru was only trying to tell Haruhi where she stood.

"Business... Like you know, business with the teacup companies in France. But they were at America so we agreed to go meet them."

"Why are their hickeys on your neck?" Haru pointed, while still clinging onto Makoto.

"Haru, please..." Makoto petted Haru.

Although Makoto wanted to tell  Haruhi that they were breaking up, he didn't want to be that harsh. He especially didn't want her to leave on a bad note. 

"Well you see I had to carry teacups in heavy boxes and I'd sometimes drop them so I got bruises." Haruhi explained.

"They look like bite-"

"Haruuuu," Makoto rocked the jet-black haired boy side to side, signaling him to stop talking.

"Is he your pet?" Haruhi tried to change the subject.

Besides, from the looks of it, Haru did look like Makoto's pet. Haru eyed Haruhi as he licked Makoto's cheek.

"H-Haru..." Makoto's ears warmed up. Haruhi looked slightly grossed out.

"By any chance did you go to America with Tamaki?" Haru asked.

"W-Well yea. I couldn't afford a plane ticket and..."

"Were you guys going there for a date?"

Haruhi was slightly blushing. "N-No! It was for business purposes only." 

"Really? Because I saw you kissing Tamaki the day before you guys left."

Haruhi looked down, trying to cover her obvious blush. "Will you stop asking me all of these weird questions?"

"I would if you told the truth,"

"I am!" Haruhi cast a fearful look at Makoto, who looked hurt.

Makoto wasn't hurt because he was heartbroken, I mean, he has Haru and he wasn't a greedy person. He was hurt because Haruhi was lying to him. He didn't know that Haruhi lied because she didn't want to hurt his feelings.

"Haru-chan..." Makoto sighed. "Look. I don't approve when people cheat. If you really don't like me, just tell me. I don't want to be in a relationship where the love is only one-sided. I don't mind if you like Tamaki more, but I do mind that you're dating him behind my back. So please,  do you want to break up?"

Haruhi looked down in shame. "You won't get mad?"

Makoto nodded.

"Okay... I do love Tamaki more than you, I'm sorry."

"It's fine! Let us still be friends, right?"

Haruhi's face lit up. "Of course!"

Haru glared at Makoto like he made the worst decision of his life. The dolphin boy will never understand how his boyfriend is so forgiving.

But that problem was for another day at another time.

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