Chapter 10- Can't you Understand?

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"Haru?" Makoto yelled, banging on Haru's front door.

No response.

"He better not be in the bathtub," Makoto said to himself. "Or worse, dead."

Makoto rushed to the backdoor and broke the lock. He abruptly slid the door open and rushed into the bathroom. 

No one there.

Makoto rushed to the kitchen.

No one there.

Makoto rushed to Haru's room.

No one there. Just an suspicious big clump of blanket on the side of the bed that couldn't possibly hold a man in his early twenties.

With hope in his heart, Makoto ripped the sheets off, thankfully revealing a sulking Haru.

"Haru I was so worried!" Makoto hugged the depressed swimmer. "Rin called me saying that you weren't okay. Well obviously. How would Rin be able to take care of you? He's just- Anyways I thought, 'What if you died?' I couldn't stand seeing my best friend die so-

"Haru, are you there?"

Haru groaned.

"You're so pale!" Makoto remarked. "You haven't eaten mackerel for days! Your skin is so dry too. Have you stopped soaking in water? Has Rin been trying to stop you from doing the things you love?"

Not exactly. But best friend awards go to Makoto Tachibana for being able to tell that Haru hasn't been eating mackerel just by looking at his skin.

Haru wanted to reassure Makoto. He really did. He really wanted to hug Makoto back. He really wanted to kiss Makoto. He really wanted to tell Makoto to stop worrying, but he couldn't.

One wrong move and Haru spills everything he kept inside.

Haru couldn't let that happen. It would only make Makoto worry even more.

"Haru, talk to me," Makoto pestered.

Haru grunted.

"Is there something in your mouth?"

Haru shook his head.

"Open it," Makoto lifted Haru's chin, so he could see inside Haru's mouth.

Of course, there was nothing.

"Haru, I'm worried," Makoto hugged Haru once more.

He gives me this fuzzy feeling and I love it, Haru thought, snuggling up in Makoto's chest.

"I'm fine," Haru whispered.

"Haru, you talked! Thank goodness! I was so scared! I thought you lost your voice, or something of the sort! I promise I'll never trust Rin with you ever again. Well of course I have to go back to college, but that's okay, right? We'll talk more, I promise."

We have a good month and half before we have to go back to college, why is Makoto thinking about it now? Haru thought.

"Should I cook some mackerel? Prepare you a bath? You look sick, so pale. It's like you've been curled up in this bed ever since I left!"

Well technically...

Haru was barely listening to Makoto. He was in his own imaginary world, daydreaming about his future with Makoto.

"Oh yea, I just remembered! Guess what? Haruhi graduated from Ouran High School, and she plans on going to the same university as I do! Isn't it great? Now Haruhi and I get to see each other more often! She's been going out lately, you know, doing her 'host duties'. It's funny how she's a girl and she's hosting girls. Thankfully-"

"Where's Haruhi?" Haru croaked, careful to not say anything else. 

"She went to America, cool right? She went with her friend, Tamaki. I wish they would stop disappearing together like that. I wonder what they do together? Anyways, she won't come back for another month, a week before the new semester starts. Why do you ask?"

Hah, well if only you knew, Makoto. But of course, Haru swore that he wouldn't make you worry anymore than you have too.

Haru didn't know what to say. He couldn't let Makoto know that he saw Haruhi and Tamaki together. That would certainly make Makoto over worry.  He needed to do something to get Makoto's mind off the subject.

Of course! A kiss! That would definitely change the subject and not make Makoto mad at Haru whatsoever! 

Barely thinking, Haru pulled Makoto's collar, bringing the brunette closer to him. He pressed his lips on Makoto's, praying that he would accept. Thankfully, he did.

The two shared a lingering kiss. Haru loved the warmth of Makoto's mouth, and his saliva tasted... like Makoto pretty much. But the point is, it tasted good. Haru loved how Makoto would grab him closer to him as they kissed, allowing Haru to also feel the warmth of his body.

"Haruuu," Makoto whined, when the two separated. "You know I can't. You know I have a girlfriend, we've been over this."

Your girlfriend doesn't even love you! Haru restrained himself from saying it out loud.

He couldn't control it. It was going to come out. It was like vomit- uncontrollable and nasty. He had to escape Makoto before their friendship was ruined.

Of course Haru wouldn't mind their friendship getting ruined because of them getting together, but of course this wasn't the case.

Anyways, Haru pried himself from Makoto's grip and sprinted out of the door.

"Haru!" Makoto got up and ran after him. "Haru wait!"

No. Haru couldn't wait. If only Makoto knew it was for his own good. Haru winced as he bumped into his living room wall, causing a picture to fall down. He quickly regained balance, threw his front door open, and bolted out.


...Hey guys it's Sakuri. In this Chapter, you can see I was extremely sarcastic, and I'm sorry if it was confusing. Thanks again for reading and don't forget to vote!

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