Chapter 3- Comfort

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'Hey Haru'

'my plc come pls?'

No. Haru threw his phone on his bed. Why would you want me? You're taken. TAKEN. Taken by a girl replica of me. Why, why couldn't you choose me instead?

Times like these make me wish I had a punching bag. And someone to talk too. Hey, doesn't Rin have a punching bag?

Haru staggered out of his house, and trudged towards Rin's house. He decided to take a detour, away from Makoto's house. It was a longer route, but at the moment, Haru just wanted Makoto to leave him alone. 

Or did he? Perhaps Haru secretly wished that Makoto would run up to him and apologize to him. But he knew Makoto wouldn't come apologize. He didn't do anything wrong. Well he did get a girlfriend, and to Haru, that was wrong on so many levels. But Makoto didn't know that.

Haru knew that Makoto would come to his house soon. He also knew that Makoto would worry when he finds out that Haru wasn't home. Haru had left his phone at home, he didn't want contact with Makoto. Surely, Makoto would try to call Haru when he figured out that he was missing. Haru felt miserable for making Makoto panic, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

And Haru was in desperate need for some comfort.


"Coming!" The door opened.

"Holy crap, Haru! You look terrible," Rin exclaimed.

Haru fell onto Rin, from exhaustion and heartache. Rin grunted, lifting Haru and dragging him to one of his couches.

"Oi, you okay?" Rin seated himself across from Haru. "You look like you need some... swimming," Emphasis on swimming.

Haru dropped his head, his bangs covering his eyes.

"I was expecting a different reaction," Rin gave Haru a worried look. "You must be in a terrible mood to reject time in the pool."

"I want a punching bag,"

Rin laughed in amusement. "You don't even know how to use a punching bag! In fact, you suck at everything except swimming!"

You're right. I suck at love. I suck so bad that even Makoto wouldn't want me, Haru mentally agreed.

Rin's laughter died down when he saw a trickle of water on Haru's cheek.

"Dude... I'm sorry," Rin tried to comfort Haru. "I didn't mean to hurt you. Here... let's go to the exercise room and have a few punches on the punching bags, kay?"

Haru nodded and shuffled towards the living room.

"H-Haru, the exercise room? It's over there."

Haru shuffled towards the other direction, where Rin was pointing. He was careful with keeping his head down. He knew his bangs would cover up the redness in his eyes. He didn't want to show his weak side to anybody. Including crybaby Rin.

"Okay, key things to remember when using a punching bag." Rin taught, when the two arrived in the exercise room. "You don't push the punching bag, you punch it. That means you have to have an idea of where your punch lands, don't just..."

This is going to go on forever, Haru zoned out of the rest of Rin's lecture. What's so hard about punching a bag? I want to punch the bag now. Release all of my anger into a bag. That sounds fun.

Haru nudged Rin out of the way and began punching the bag.

Who knew punching bags were so hard to punch? Haru had a hard time landing punches on the bag, which flew around due to Haru's previous punches. Punching bags only made Haru even more angry.

"Okay okay,"Rin forcefully grabbed Haru's shoulder and pulled him out of the exercise room. "How about we swim instead?"

Haru nodded.

"We have a swimming pool, this way." Rin led Haru out of the house, onto the deck.

Rin was right. As soon as Haru's skin touched the water, he immediately felt better. Way better. In fact, he was better enough to laugh at himself for being so sensitive.

I cried. I cried! That was so dumb. I'm so dumb, Haru laughed, although his facial expression remained neutral. Man I really needed that.

"Better?" Rin asked, watching Haru float on the water. Haru's expression was calmer now, and more soothing.

Haru, of course, didn't respond. But Rin didn't need a response- Haru's face glistening in the sun was enough for him to know that he was much better.

The two were interrupted by Rin's doorbell.

"I'll go get it," Rin hurriedly rush out of the pool, and tried to dry himself along the way to the door. 

Haru also got out of the pool, but taking his time. Why did he have to rush? It wasn't like he had to answer the door. Haru joined Rin when he had his clothes back on.

"Hey Haru, there's somebody here for you."

Makoto? It couldn't be. Haru knew well enough that Makoto coming to apologize was limited to his imagination. Besides, Haru wasn't in the mood for facing Makoto at the moment. He wanted to be free from heartache and problems. He thought Makoto would relieve him from that, but instead, Makoto just gave him them. 

Haru walked over to the red-head while drying his hair.

"Haru," A calm soothing voice called.

Haru almost turned white. He didn't have the guts to lift his head. He didn't have the guts to face him. Not him. Not Makoto. What was he doing here?

Finally, Haru plucked the courage to look at the muscular brunette.

"Haru, I was so worried!" Makoto exclaimed, who was quite relieved. "I sent you text messages, and you didn't respond, so I got worried! I tried calling you, but you didn't answer! And when I came over to check, you weren't home! I was worried sick. Thankfully, I was able to figure that you went over to Rin's..." 

As Makoto continued to babble, Haru began thinking. What if he just walked out the door? He had all of his belongings with him. Then Makoto would grab his arm, and plead for forgiveness. But Haru knew that was no way to solve the complicated situation. Haru didn't need forgiveness, Haru needed his love.

"Can we go home to talk about this." Haru declared, although it was more of a statement than a question.

"Sure," Makoto smiled, gesturing Haru to leave the house.

"Thanks for taking care of Haru," Makoto waved to Rin.

Rin nodded and shut the door behind him.

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