Chapter 4- Friend-zoned

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"Haru, you needed to talk?" Makoto asked, closing the door behind them.

The two returned to Haru's house. Haru found out that Makoto sent over a hundred calls and text messages. Haru could see that Makoto cared about him, but cared enough to love him? Not there yet. Haru was friend zoned.

Now that Haru thought about it, he didn't have much to say to Makoto. 

That was a lie.

Haru tried to restrain himself from spilling everything inside of him. It felt like vomit, sickening words bubbling in his throat. The things he needed to say to Makoto? Plenty. But things he wanted to say to Makoto? Not much.

Haru shrugged. He truly had nothing he wanted to talk about. Nothing as in nothing about love. Haru didn't want to talk about love, Haruhi, boyfriends, anything. Unless it had to do with love between him and Makoto. That was something Haru wanted to talk about. But what were the chances that Makoto would agree on such an obscure topic? 

"Well, there must be something," Makoto thought. He snapped his fingers. "Did I ever tell you how I met Haru-chan?"

No. Do I want you to tell me? No.

Yet, Haru was curious. How did Haruhi meet such an extraordinary man?

"Well, it all started on the first month of school. Apparently, I was quite popular with the girls..."

Yay. Something I didn't want him to talk about.

"So these two people, Haninozuka and Morinozuka approached me one day. They said that I reminded them of their dear friends. Then, we became great friends! They took me around the world, and I got to see so many places!"

Woohoo. We never got to do those things with Makoto.

Could it be that Makoto was closer to Haninozuka and Morinozuka than he was with Haru? Impossible.

"They took me to Ouran High School Academy, a place where the super rich go. I was introduced to the 3rd-years, Kyoya and Tamaki, and 2nd-years Hikaru and Kaoru, who are twins. And of course, Haruhi."

Haru winced at the name of Makoto's girlfriend. Her name reminded him that he would never have Makoto.

"We became best friends, and they taught me how to be a host! Basically, it's entertaining girls by being a gentleman. Perhaps that's how I got Haruhi to like me!"

Although Makoto continued to talk, Haru zoned out. He was too busy in his own world. Haru had restrained himself from making any friends at his swimming-based college. He was afraid he would lose the friendship he cherished with Makoto.

Makoto, on the other hand, made tons of friends, who bought him plane tickets and expensive things. Haru knew that he couldn't give Makoto those things, although Makoto did deserve them. Perhaps it was best for Makoto to be their friends instead of Haru's. Haru just wanted Makoto to be happy.

Alas, Haru was also extremely selfish and preferred that Makoto was to be happy with him.

"I'm sorry, Haru," The mention of his name snapped Haru out of his thoughts. "I'm boring you."

Haru kept his head down.

"What would you like to talk about?"

Haru got up and shuffled towards his bathroom.

"Haru please,"  Makoto grabbed Haru's wrist, preventing Haru from getting any closer to his bathtub. "You seem so down. This isn't the Haru I remember."

It was getting harder and harder for Haru to keep it all inside. Accidentally, he let some of his rage out.

"You have Haruhi, you don't need me."

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