Chapter 2- Drop the -chan

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Haru sat on the benches, his heart beating furiously. Was it because of the crowd that swarmed the airport, or because he finally got to see his beloved Makoto? Perhaps both. Haru caught a glanced of the brunette in the mist of the crowd. 

Haru stood up on the bench, desperately trying to catch Makoto's attention. It didn't take long for Makoto to notice, and he ran towards Haru.

"Haru-chan!" Makoto shouted.

"Drop the -chan," Haru corrected, although he was very happy to see his best friend once more.

"Oh, sorry Haru," Makoto laughed.

"It's f-"

"I was talking to my girlfriend." Makoto gestured towards a short, brown-haired girl.

Haru could feel his world shatter apart.


Haru glared at Makoto's girlfriend, who returned with a smile. It was hard to hate somebody that was so friendly. The three had gone to Haru's house, since it wasn't occupied at the moment.

'Oh, Haru!' Makoto shouted, waving his arms.

'Makoto!' I exclaimed.

The we ran towards each other, in slow motion. Then we hugged and confessed our love. Haru's dream scenario was shattered.

In fact, his whole life was shattered. Makoto Tachibana, the man Haru loved, was gone, just like that. Haru quietly watched the two lovebirds make out for what felt like hours to him. Every second was a torture. Every second Haru didn't have Makoto was a torture.

Makoto would never have the courage to break up with someone. So, his girlfriend had to do it. But who would want to break up with such an amazing man?

Finally, Makoto and Haru-chan were interrupted by Haru-chan's phone.

"Oi?" Haru-chan asked. "Tamaki? Oh....Yea, right now? Okay!"

"Your senpai?" Makoto grinned, although Haru could see that his face fell.

"Yea! Tamaki wanted me to help organize this concert in his homeroom!" Haru-chan explained. "I have to go,"

Haru-chan gave Makoto a small kiss on the cheek before rushing out the door.

"Bye, Haruhi!" Makoto waved.

I don't get it, Haru pouted to himself. Why does Makoto wanted somebody that's already taken?

"If Haruhi is dating Tamaki, then what are you?" Haru questioned, after Haru-chan left.

Makoto blushed. "N-Not dating, just... associates." 

"Who asked who out?"

"Ehh? Well, I was going no where with Haruhi. No matter how hard I tried she never caught on! However, one day, after..."

Haru averted his eyes away from Makoto's. Surely, he'd fall for them. He couldn't let that happen, Makoto was taken. Makoto was off limits. But Haru wanted Makoto, more than anything. How could I let him slip away? Haru yelled at himself.

"Haru, are you okay?" Makoto interrupted Haru's thoughts.

Haru nodded.

Makoto lifted Haru's chin, pulling it closer to his face. "You seem upset? How can I make you happy again?"

Haru was shocked, but he kept the expression inside, away from his face. Makoto certainly got more flirty...

"Forgive me," Makoto giggled, letting go of Haru. "I've been badly influenced. Tamaki, Haru-chan, and the others taught me how to flirt and..."

Makoto's voice trailed off. "But something is bothering you."

Haru looked away. That was his way of saying 'I'm okay, now leave me alone.'

"Are you...mad? At me?"

Haru winced. "N-No."

"Are you concerned that I'm dating somebody that seems more interested in someone else?"


Makoto gave Haru a warm smile, giving Haru butterflies. "You don't have to worry about me, Haru."

Haru gave Makoto a weak smile. It wasn't exactly what he was concerned about, but that explanation would do, for now.

If Haruhi is gone...maybe I can talk more freely with Makoto now?

Haru crawled over to Makoto, and snuggled up with Makoto's chest. Makoto's chest, it's beating...harder than usual. Perhaps it's because he feels uncomfortable because he has a girlfriend.

Stupid, stupid girlfriend.

Perhaps one in a billion was to far.

"H-Haru, I..." Haru could practically hear the blush in Makoto's voice.

"Welcome back," Haru cheerfully grinned.

"Haru, I can't." Makoto pushed Haru away from him. "I'm sorry, Haru... It's just, I'm... you do understand, right?"

Haru heaved a disappointed sigh. Taken. You're taken. 

With his head down, Haru got up and walked out of the room. Haru didn't specifically have a location he wanted to go too. He just wanted to leave the room. Of course, he wasn't surprised when he found himself in the bathroom.

I'll just bath on it.

Haru began stripping himself, looking down at himself. What didn't he have that  Haruhi had? Oh yea, she's a girl.

I wish I was a girl.

"Haru, wait!" Makoto grabbed Haru's arm before Haru could enter his beloved bathtub.

Haru didn't turn around. He didn't want to face Makoto. Literally.

"Are you mad at me?" Makoto pouted.

Haru shook his head.

"I wish I could make it up to you but..." Makoto let go of Haru's arm. "You understand why I can't, right?"

Haru submerged himself in water. He understood, loud and clear, but he wished he didn't. Haru waited until the footsteps faded away, to pop out of the water.

Makoto... he's no longer mine. Haru had a hard time trying to let that sink in. But he was never mine. But he's no longer... no longer... for me, anymore.

Haru bobbed his dolphin toy. How ridiculous... I still have this....

Makoto gave that to me. Haru cupped his hands, squirting water onto the wall. He continued to do so, out of boredom.


Haru wasn't bored. He had a lot of stuff to process. For instance, Makoto had a girlfriend. But Haru wanted to forget that. It ached Haru's heart knowing that all of those countless memories he shared with Makoto, he could never experience again. He would just watch all of those moments be taken away from him. That's what happens when you're the third wheel.

Haru clutched his heart. He was shaking, perhaps because of frustration? agony? fear? He felt like he was about to throw up. Haru plunged himself in the water before tears could form in his eyes. He refused to cry. 

Not over this. Not over anything.

But no doubt, Haru was in a lot of pain. Heartache, to be exact.

For the Best (MakoHaru)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora