"Well, you take up to much space in the bed" Bell shot back

"This is a single bed, Im sorry that I don't have a kings size bed like your majesty dose" I smirked

"You butt" Bell struggled in my grip but I just burst out laughing.

"Your so cute when your mad" I leaned down and kissed Bells cheeks.

I sat up and let go of Bells wrists, My eyes wondered around the room and they landed on mums empty unmade bed. I heard rustling beside me as tears started to fill my eyes.

"One day at a time remember" Bell said sitting next to me.

I nodded and got up, "What do you want to eat?" I asked walking out of the room.

"Ill have whatever" I heard Bell walk out a bit behind me.

"Great cause I have an apple" I held out a green apple to Bell, "Or an apple" I held out a red apple in my other hand.

"The apple" Bell smiled and pointed to the green apple.

She knew that I was poor but she didn't know that yesterday while she was with Mr fancy pants, I lost my job.

"I should go get changed, Ill see you later on" Bell said as she placed the apple core in the bin.

"Ill walk you back" I stepper forwards to Bell but she held her hand out.

"Its okay, you bath and get ready yourself" she smiled then turned for the door.

"Bell" I rested my hand on my hip

"Yeah?" She faced me again confused

"Your dress" I gestured to her folded dress on the dining table.

"Oh, right. Thank you" she smiled picking up her dress then headed for the door. "Cya" she waved shutting the door behind her.

I tossed my apple core in the bin and charged for the bedroom. I ripped Anne's sheets off her bed and through her pillows in the far corner. I heard something rattle from inside the pillows, I quickly stood up and walked over. I dug around inside the covers then felt something hard and cold between my fingers. I pulled it out and saw a silver circle locket and chain. The locket had the smallest rose details id ever seen.
I opened it and saw a man and women portrait painting inside. Their pictures were on either side of the locket. They look familiar, almost like a younger version of Genevieve and Tobias.

This must be Bell's, but why would mum have it?

I sat the locket on the dinning table and wen for a quick bath and changed into my black suit. After I picked the locket up and headed to the castle. I managed to sneak I ride on the back of a horse n carriage. They passed the castle and I jumped off. Very rarely I would enter the castle through its front gates.

"Who goes there?!" A deep voice said from above, I looked up and saw a guard, his silver armour shinned under the suns light and I lifted my hand to block the light.

"Its Eric!" I yelled back and The gates opened then quickly closed behind me.

I walked up the steps and the guards opened the front doors for me.
Inside there was more post guards and a maid passed me holding a basket of white sheets.
I walked in and paced myself to Bell's room.

"Eric, Its good to see you dear, but I'm sorry for you loss" I heard a females voice and I knew it was Genevieve.

I turned around and held my stomach, "Its okay" I forced a smile

"Your welcome to stay here as long as you need to" Genevieve held her hands over her lap.

"Thank you" I smiled then remembered the locket in my hand, "By the way, I think this is Bell's" I said holding the chain and letting the locket drop.

Genevieve stepped back slightly, "Where did you get that?" She gasped

"Um, I found it in Annes pillow case" I said tossing the locket in my hand.

Genevieve held out her hand and I placed it in her palm. She locked over the locket like looking at an old happy memory. "Id thought she'd give it to you years ago"

"What?" I frowned, "Is that mine? W-why would I have a locket with a photograph of you and Tobias?"
Genevieve reached out to me then retracted her hand, "Is there something you want to tell me?"

"Ah, no child, go to Bell I'm sure shed be in her room." Genevieve shooed me off

"No, tell me. What are you hiding from me? Whats with the locket?" I stepped forwards to Genevieve and she stopped walking and faced me with tears in her eyes

"When you were born, you were very sick and I couldn't look after you so I gave to to a nurse who would cure you. It took 3 years for you to get better and by that time you and Anne were like mother and son. So Anne kept you" Genevieve explained and whipped under her eyes.

"Wait, what? Annes not my mother?" I frowned

"No Eric, I am" Genevieve fixed her posture looking up at me.

"W-wha, how? What?" I stuttered stepping away

"You are my first born and air to the throne" Genevieve breathed, "And Isabel is your sister"

"My what?" I frowned and ran my fingers though my hair, "It cant be-"

"Eric, Im sorry. It wasn't supposed to happen like this" Genevieve stepped over to me and I turned on my heal and ran down to Bell's room. I stood out the front of her door holding my hand on the handle, "It cant be, I wont believe it" I whispered and opened the door. I saw Bell sitting at her dressing table brushing through her hair and Felix was leaning on the wall next to her. Bell looked at me though her mirror and Felix stood up straight.

"Eric? Whats wrong" Bell quickly stood up dropping her hair brush, he rushed over to me and touched my cheek."Why are you crying?"

"What? Im not-" I touched under my eye, it was wet. I pushed Bell's hand away and whipped under my eyes. "Its nothing"

"Is okay to cry" Bell smiled up at me.

"No, it was for a silly reason." I said stepping out to the hall way.

"Tell me this silly reason then?" Bell said walking out and shutting her bedroom door.

"Bell, I- I cant do this, I cant do us" I stuttered and every word broke my heart just as they would for Bell's.

Royal From Birth ((COMPLETED))Where stories live. Discover now