Chapter 11

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I awoke to the loud slam of a door and the echoing of laugher. I opened my eyes and saw Noah waddling into the room then falling down onto his hey bed. It was still dark out, I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep again.
I felt something soft touch my cheek, my eyes flew open and I saw Noah very close to my face.

"Did I wake you?" He mumbled, his breath smelt of alcohol, "Sorry princess" he smiled and removed his hand.

I closed my eyes and tucked my arm under my head as a rest.

"Your very beautiful, you know" I heard Noah say

"Thank you" I muttered keeping my eyes closed.

"Any man would be lucky to have you" Noah said then I heard rustling.
I opened my eyes again to see Noah laying centimetres from me. I rolled over so I was facing away from Noah.

Goose bums climbed up my arms as I felt a warm hand touch my hip, then slowly start to move up. I quickly stood up and held the knife behind my back.

"No need to be scared princess, I wont hurt you" Noah smiled resting up on his arm. "Much" he smirked.

I turned away from him and looked out the window. The stars were dull and the full moon lit the night sky. I looked down at the street and saw a figure walking past. The figure lifted his face into the light and I saw Eric.

"Eric!!" I yelled from the top of my lungs and banged on the window which made the glass break. I winced as some shattered glass stabbed into my skin.

"What do you think your doing!!" Noah yelled as he was about to grab me, I stabbed the knife right through his chest. I pulled it out and he coughed out blood. Tears of fear ran down my face as I stabbed Noah multiple times. His shirt soon drenched with blood as did my hands. Blood dripped from his mouth and his eyes hung open.
I quickly stood up, grabbed the rope that tied me down and headed for the door. I closed it as I stood in the hall way and quickly wrapped the rope around the handle, I heard Owen and Kurt laughing in their room so I tied the rope to their door handle.

I ran down the stairs and Into the crowed of drunks, I saw seth cleaning out cups at the bar and ran over to him. His eyes widened when he saw the blood.

"I gotta get you out of here" he dropped the cup on the bar table and brought the cloth. I swapped the cloth for the knife and wiped my hands, some shards of glass still sat in my skin.

"Were ya think your goin boy! You got cups to clean!" The old man yelled then Seth turned around and through the knife at him, it spun in the air then stabbed the old man right in the throat and he dropped to the ground coughing out blood. I turned away and kept walking. As Seth opened the door I saw Eric in the position to knock on the door.

"Eric!" I smiled and threw my arms around Eric's neck and embraced him in my tight hug, "Im sorry" I cried, "Im sorry" his arms quickly wrapped around me and he pulled me closer.

"Far out bell, you gave me a heart attack!" Eric mumbled in the crock of my neck.
I finally get out embrace go, "God you look terrible" Eric let out a laugh.

I smiled at his remark then pulled Eric down to my height and crashed our lips together.
Fireworks shot lose in my chest as our kiss deepened, Eric's hand held the side of my neck and his other hand around my waist pulled me close.
Finally we were together as one.

Eric looked down at me and smiled "Juliet, wake up!" I heard a voice that wasn't Eric's but sounded like Noah's

"What?" I mumbled, I blinked opened my eyes to find myself laying back on the hey bed in the inn room. I looked up and saw Noah holding the knife Seth gave me.

"Plain to do somthin with his?" He wobbled the knife in his hand.

It was a dream. No!!
I sat up and looked over at the window, it wasn't smashed and the suns light shone through.
It felt so real! Eric was here! I touched my lip with my fingers, We kissed.

"Jeeze get up, we're goin straight to the centre of town." Noah said tucking the knife into his boot.

I stood up and Noah picked up the rope then tied my hands together. We walked out of the room and met up with Kurt and Owen down stairs.
There wasn't many people in here, just a few sleeping in chairs.
I looked over at the bar and saw Seth standing be hind the counter cleaning the cups with a cloth.

He gave me a sad look as we left the inn then I heard the old man yell at him again.

"The grounds hot" I said but as always the guys ignored me.

I looked over at Owen who punched a guy in the face and took his boots. Kurt stopped the carriage as Owen shoved the shoes on my bare feet.

I kept my mouth shut as we kept walking through town.
There was more people out and around then last night, I saw three kids running past us playing with their wooden toys. I felt something knock into me as I was walking which made me trip over my own feet.
My body dragged on the warm ground as my arms were being pulled from the rope. Owen nor Noah decided to help me stand so I was dragged the rest of the way into town.
More people looked our way but were to scared to do anything.
Finally I felt my body stop and the tension on my arms stopped. Noah untied the rope from the carriage and pulled me up, he dragged me up onto a risen plat form then tied me to a thick wooden pole. My eyes adjusted to the suns light and I saw hundreds of faces staring at me. I looked over and saw Kurt and Owen taking off the plastic cover to the carriage showing the tubs of what would of been stollen property. They unloaded all tubs then un hooked Kurt's horse from the carriage and rolled that over next to the tubs.

"Why! Good to see you three again with your treasures!" A man yelled grinning then eyed over me. He turned away and started auctioning off every item in the tubs while I burnt in the sun. The guys had already made 2000 silver coins excluding the carriage.

"100 for the carriage!" A man from the crowd yelled out and raised his hand

"200!" Another yelled

More yelled until the carriage was up to 500 silver coins.

"Sold! To the man in black" The guy yelled and pointed at someone in the crowd.

"Now for the prise winning item!" He yelled out gesturing to me.

"She sells for 3000 silver coins or more!" I heard Kurt yell out the to guy who auctioned off everything.

"Thats a lot for a mer girl" the man said resting his hands on his hips.

Kurt jumped on the plat form and lifted my shirt showing my birthmark. "Shes a princess, 3000 and higher"

The man smiled and nodded then faced the crowed again. "A princess for 3000 or more!"

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