"Minor injuries!" Eric almost yelled. But he realised he needed to calm down, so he stopped himself and continued in a suitable manor. "I'm sorry... Minor injuries?"

At first Jack looked a bit taken a back but he too conformed himself before speaking. "Yes, that is what it says here" he proved, holding up the sheet of paper.

"Well, no disrespect, but that is wrong... These girls sustained pretty major injuries" Eric voiced boldly.

"Well, do you have a licensed doctor or nurse here to prove that?" Jack then asked.

Eric didn't say anything, he simply turned around, looked to the crowd and eyed someone sitting in the rows of people. Then someone stood up and walked to the front. I recognised her, she was one of our nurses.

"Name?" Jack said blankly. He wasn't showing any emotion.

"Melissa Banks" the nurse stated confidently. Although at the same time she looked nervous.

"And can you please briefly state what types of injuries each girl sustained" Jack asked.

She got straight to the point.

"Elise suffered from a bruised eye, that she cannot see out of at the moment. We are worried it may not heal"

"Amy suffered from air shortage, she could not breath properly for some large amount of time. She also has large amounts of bruising on and around her stomach"

"Olivia suffers from a serious gash near her temple. It is close to becoming majorly infected and it has had to be stitched up numerous times"

"Jem suffers from a sore, bruised face and a cut lip that continues to split open, making it easy to become infected"

"Matisse was choked and suffocated very severely. So severely that she had to wear a neck brace for a few days and now she suffers from major bruising around her neck, making it hard for her to talk"

"Eliza suffered from a torn ligament in her shoulder as well as bruising and she also suffers from sore vocal chords, she has only just gotten her voice back"

"As well as all of this, the girls all suffered from the effects of the several drugs used through their systems" Melissa finished. 

Jack sat there speechless. He had not known that our injuries were that serious. He began to jot a few things down on the sheet of paper.

Once he was done he looked up and continued on with his statements.

"It also says here that the girls were given three different types of drugs through the use of alcohol and that the accused were the ones that gave out these spiked drinks. Is this true?" he asked the boys.

They all nodded, heads hanging down. Judith answered for them...

"Yes this is true".

"Very well..." he replied quietly as he wrote something on the sheet of paper. He seemed disappointed. "Now, each person involved in the situation will have their chance to give their own insight. Eric, your side may go first" Jack continued.

Eric motioned for us to all stand up. And this is where it began. It was time for us to spill...

"I should have listened to Eric"

"We were extremely drunk and I most definitely regret drinking now"

"We danced most of the night, continuously drinking"

"Eric came over to us, warning us about some guys... None of us gave a second thought. We weren't aware of any danger"

"They approached us, seeming harmless"

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