Delicious V

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^ Maya^

I was listening to the radio station while cooking some breakfast. I'm in a good mood today. Don't know why but it's settling well with me. I sing the high notes of Beyoncé, I care.

[ Well I care, I know you don't care too much but I still care, la la, babyyy]

- Mayaaaa oh God!. Why you so loud?. - My godmother walked in the kitchen with a messy hair and pale face, she looks sick today.

I turned off the radio. - Tia why you look sick today?. You wasn't party with your friend last night you came early. - I muttered worried watching her sitting on the stool.

- Don't know I was throwing up, my stomach feels like I'm going to erupt again.- she said with disgust.

- Perhaps you're pregnant. - I said joking and patted her arm but then my smile dropped the moment I saw her panic face.

OH...Crap!. .-.

- Are you pregnant ?!.- I asked worried bout her response.

- Maya... I... He'... Oh God.- she buried her red face under her hands. I heard a sob.
Oh God!.
I hugged her. - Shhh it's okay we don't really know right?.- I grabbed her face to wipe her tears.- I'll buy the tests and we'll know, si?!. - I smiled so anxious and desperate to see her smile.

She just nodded her head not knowing what to say or do!.

The rest of the day we spent it in Downtown, New York visiting some friends of my godmother and talking about my job aspirations.

It's a bit difficult to settle in a new country where you don't really know where are you going to apply for a good job where you're qualified.

Obviously my godmother who (I don't understand why my mom picked her to be my godmother and so young like she looks like 15 years older than me) got an energy like a 7 years old kid.
Always excited about everything she sees.

Since i decided to help her with the pregnancy test, i told her i'd go to the pharmacy to get her a couple.

In my way entering I step onto someone's chest, fucks it!, it crunched my nose.
I stumbled back by this heavy man.

Oh dear Jesus!!
The second I glazed at this suit I knew this was gonna be the death of my innocent eyes.
However, no every man you see in suit and tie is good.
Beginning with prominent jaw, thick eyebrows and thin nose, was this stormy gaze. Grey eyes... Angry ones.

- I'm so so sorry I was fast in my pace.– Wait... why am I apologising for? he was the one at fault.

- You should be more concern about where your feet land, cucciola.

Jeez... His angry voice made me shiver and feel intimidated.

Tf? He's angry, man?

- Well, maybe if you pay attention this would not have occurred. It was your fault walking so fast, like the one who owns the entry.

I folded my arm arching my eyebrow and lips. He just furrowed his brows, maybe confused?

- I know you.- He looked at me. Like really eyeing me from head to toe, it was making me uncomfortable. A side grin appeared on his features. He put his hand on his jaw scratching it. - Delicious.- He barely whispered for himself.

*Jaw Drops*

- Excuse me? You are pervert I don't know you nor seen you before so you can continue your way and let me have mine. Thank you. - I smiled, waving my hair.

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