Departure I

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Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.

Unknown words/things:
Madrina: Godmother
Tia: Aunt
Mija: My daughter ( in short way ).


__May 27, 2014. 4:36 pm___

- Maya mi amor, lo siento mucho. ( my love, I'm so sorry )- Diana, my mother cries out over the phone, sobbing.
- Mama todo va a estar bien, pero ya me he decidido ( momma everything is gonna be fine, But I've  made up my mind )- I told her, trying to swallow the heavy lump on my throat.
- I'm sorry mija, si pudiera hacer algo para cambiar lo que pasó...( if I could do something to change what it's done ) - she says. I can feel the regret in her soft voice, that peaceful voice filled with sweetness and love.

She is the only one I'll miss with all my heart. One part of me wish that I could be able to afford her and bring her to USA, but in the other hand there's a fact that she is in love with Miguel. He's so abusive with the money, bidding all he has. Mama always suffer his battles knowing that she won't be able to change anything.
She feels guilty now. After I confronted her, telling her the truth of all the things that had been haunting me all those years. First, my best friend's death, it hit me all the time I recall tiny moments of our childhood. We were just eleven. Full of spirit and innocents. After her death I became isolated, we were the weird type of girls who nobody likes to be with. I wasn't ugly. But I remember those blonde girls and brunettes all fancies with their barbies and rich daddies. Well dressed and with good Name. In my country, if you came from a good named family than you're important, it doesn't care if they even know you. You are Important.
Plus, my last name got no money on any testament so, why should they waste their time on me?. That's what I keep thinking all those years when they spat at me telling me a nobody. 
My poor Mama was distracted all the time trying to pay the bills, working eleven hours per day, and after she met Miguel the only thing that changed was the schedule, but she kept the sacrifice for everything my dad could not be able to do.
I never meet him. All I know it's that he left my mom when I was 4 months.

_{ Todos los pasajeros con destino a New York por favor abordar el avión/ all passengers traveling to NY please board the plane }.

- Mama, I gotta go, I love you mami. Cuidate. - she closed her eyes trying to hold those waters on her eyes.
- Bye Maya, cuidate mucho princesa. - that was the last thing she heard from her voice.

Maya stood from her seat. 
Her heart stared to beat so fast, it's her calling. That means that in the moment She steps on that plane She won't be the same ever again.

___ 8:12 pm,same day. ___

- Oh lord, nooo- I sigh, this can't be true. Glaring at this poor guard who did nothing to deserved her scowl keep looking at her with pity.

- Sorry ma'am- he said really sorry of her misfortune.

- How DID you called me?- she asked, euphoric on the edge of depression.
He sighed.

- Miss Martinez, there's nothing I can do now, so sorry. He finished hoping that this crazy bitch walk away. She got his nerves on point.

This nice guy by the way, just informed me that they had lost one of my luggage. A big one!. This is the first time they treated me like this.
Everything was so fine w the flight until she landed. She had to wait almost 45 minutes on the file facing all weird faces from all around the world, but then she got bored and hungry and they'd just kept asking a tons of questions like it was her first time here. And adding to her bad luck, she just found three baggages instead of four. She thought she'd go insane in that instant.

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