Another part

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Ryan's pov
I woke up to find Chloe sleeping peacefully. I had to wake her up since it was already 11:00 a.m.
"Hey birdie! Wake up!"
"Whyyyy" Dove whined
"That's not question. Go get up while I wake the kids up."
"Oh Emma and Amethyst!" She said jumping up and running to the toilet.
I laughed and went to the kitchen. I made pancakes and sausages. I forgot to take my apron off when I went to get MnM and Sparkles from their rooms.
When I went to MnM's room she wasn't there. I quickly went to Sparkles's room but she wasn't their either. I ran back to Me and Dove's room and yelled ,"Dove? they're gone!"
Doves face went pale.
"W-what d-do you mean th-they're gone?" She stuttered.
"They aren't there!" I yelled panicked
Dove ran out of our room and I followed her. She went into every room every corner of the house.
She went outside. I sat down on the grass thinking worriedly. Dove sat down next to me lost in her own thoughts.
Suddenly we heard whispers and giggling.
"It's coming from the tree house!" Dove said jumping up and running with me at her heels. We ran upstairs and saw our little MnM and Sparkles having a pillow fight. I looked at Dove from the corner of my eye and saw she was grinning from ear to ear. She silently grabbed a pillow and joined in the pillow fight.
Both the girls shrieked with laughter when they saw her.
After fifteen minutes, we all lay down on the floor exhausted.
"Hey MnM and Sparkles! Why weren't you up in your rooms?" I asked
"Well basically, Emma can't sleep alone so she came to sleep with me. But it was quite a squash so we decided to sleep in the treehouse because it had two beds, the room was tiny and it was almost exactly like our old room in the adoption center" Little Sparkles explained.
These two were such cute turtles.

Guys you seriously are the best :)
Constantly voting commenting and all. You guys don't know how happy I feel when I see in my notifications and if someone has voted for my story or commented.
And when I check the comments I feel like bursting. But I feel the happiest when I see someone has commented update it makes me feel so proud that everyone can't wait for the next chapter of my story to come out. Thank you all sooooo much. AND DONT BE A SILENT READER:):):):):):):):)
Btw I've made a card for you guys. Click the link to see it

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2023 ⏰

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