Sunshine On Wheels

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Sunshine on Wheels

A/N: Ok, so I have this new fetish with the "Kartie" ship, and I really like writing it. Since last time it was Kurt who was on the downside, and Artie cheered him up, I think they need to have a role reversal. Slash, don't like, don't read.

Kurt was worried.

It was 6:45 PM and his boyfriend has yet to call him back. He only sighed as he stared at the phone, biting the bottom corner of his lip. Artie wasn't in school, and he hasn't returned any of Kurt's texts or emails, or anything. Kurt was really worried now.

Artie and Kurt have been going out for a year now, and they had everyone's support in Glee, and they even all voted that they were becoming the new choir power couple, to Rachel's dismay. Kurt knew Artie never really got like this unless he was upset, so he decided to pay the boy a visit. Adjusting his messenger bag and fixing his already perfect hair, Kurt rang the doorbell to the Abrams' residence. He waited nervously before a tall, beautiful lady answered the door. "Oh, hello dear," she said, beaming down at Kurt.

"Hi Mrs. Abrams, is Artie in?" Kurt asked hopefully.

She only smiled kindly, letting the young countertenor in. "Yes of course, up in his room, you know the way," she said, gesturing towards the modified staircase with it's wheelchair elevator contraption.

Kurt spent no time waiting and started up the steps, reaching the top floor. he walked down the hallway before tapping softly on the door to the left. "A-Artie?" he asked hesitantly.

No reply was granted, so Kurt creaked the door open. Artie was no where in sight. Kurt sighed in resignation before entering and sitting on the edge of Artie's Star-Trek clad bed. He hummed Defying Gravity quietly to himself, before singing a few bars under his breath. Somewhere in the middle of his impromptu jam session, he started singing at the top of his lungs, blocking out why he was really there in the first place. After finishing the last few bars of the song, he opened his eyes to see Artie staring at him, amused. "Oh hey," Kurt said breathlessly, a little embarrassed.


A poised, awkward silence filled the room and Artie sat there, fumbling with his yellow gloves. He kept ripping and reapplying the Velcro until Kurt's soft hands covered them. "Artie. Stop," he said firmly.

Artie sighed, slightly agitated, "Look, Kurt..." he began in a soft voice.

Kurt's greenish blue eyes filled with tears immediately. "Are we breaking up? Cuz I don't know what I did," he began frantically, searching Artie's face for any hint or clue of his own misdemeanor.

Artie chuckled darkly. "It isn't you," he said simply.

Kurt's eyes widened before narrowing dangerously. "Are you having an affair with a woman? Is it Tina? Or Brittany?" he asked, standing up from his original position.

With a strong force, Artie pushed Kurt back onto the bed before sighing and saying, "Let me finish, alright? I am NOT having an affair, and no, you didn't do anything," Artie said as Kurt opened his mouth.

Kurt sighed, closed his eyes, and massaged his temples. "Ok, now tell me why you're dumping me," he said calmly, a few seconds later.

"because I'm not good for you," was his curt and bitter reply.

Kurt (the boy) rolled his eyes and sighed. "Artie...we've been through this time and time again!"

Artie looked ashamed. "I know...but I still feel like you could be in such a better place if I wasn't tying you down..."

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