Home Alone Tonight - Luke Bryan

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"Kiwi... What are you doing here?" You squeaked, your best friend barging past you into your apartment, where Dan had just been a few moments ago. As Kiwi placed herself on your velvet sofa, a large gruff sigh whispered past her lips.

"I'm jet lagged, the hotel messed up my reservation, let me stay and sleep." She mumbled, her groggy voice like a curse on your ears.

"erm..." you fiddled with your fingers, unsure of how to answer her but before you could even fathom kicking her out, her light snores were bouncing into the thick night air.

Checking your wall clock, you saw that, even if you got to sleep, it wouldn't be pleasant as the sun would start to rise and the birds would to chirp their sweetly annoyingly melody.

Running a hand down your face you sighed and went to get yourself a glass of water.

Switching on your TV you plopped down at the feet of your friend and silently watched TV, fully aware that unlike she sounded, her eyes were opened and she watched with you.

You knew there must be a reason that Kiwi was here, there was no way she'd get up and go on a twelve-hour flight just to see you for a couple days. There had to be a reason, no one would do that for you, especially Kiwi.

A range of possibilities were up for grabs, her marriage with her new hunky foreigner was going to plot, your mum sent her to spy on you or she was going crazy. The latter seemed in higher favour of being caught.

When morning came around, you found yourself ass deep in Kiwi. Literally, you had fallen asleep next to each other on the sofa and somehow you had ended up underneath her, her buttocks directly in front of your face. Scared, she'd let one rip, you shot up. Staring down at your sleeping friend, her glass slumped across her face, her normally fluffy fringe crazed and dazzled across her face, it reminded you of before she got it cut, her full fringe, when it was very fluffy and covered her caterpillar eyebrows.

Quickly jumping up, you sought for food, the night before echoing in the back of your mind. What did Dan want to say?

Was it about YouTube?

Maybe he was going to confess his undying love for Phil.

Or you.

Get a grip, please!

I mean look at you.


You couldn't deal with this so early in the morning, so you downed your OJ and headed for the shower to clear your stressed out mind and your aching muscles that screamed at you with every movement you made.

That's what you get for sleeping on the sofa.

A couple hours later, Kiwi had checked into her hotel and was out of your hair. Until she came back to yours for lunch and bombarded you with questions about your YouTube famous neighbours. Obviously, she knew them, she used to live here for a couple months before you. And she really wanted to catch up with them again, so you grabbed your phone and invited Dan and Phil over for a couple drinks later.

Feeling displeased, that it was only Kiwi asking the questions, you decided to take your turn.

"Why are you here, Kiwi?" you snapped, she faltered, surprised at your sudden outburst. Kiwi was a free spirit, always doing her own thing even at the costs of others, and sometimes it really pricked your nerves. The way she'd always chose the person she liked more, which was never you if it came down to her childhood friends. If you asked her, "wanna pair up?" in university, "sorry, I was gonna ask Erica and Juniper." Would be her reply. Even if they were already in a pair, she'd find some way to avoid you. Or the way she said things like,

"You're not a part of this trio.", jokingly of course, but for some reason the way she mocked you with that simple statement, hurt you. But, you didn't care, that much, after all she was your best friend. She had saved your life more times than she could even fathom.

"It's Elliot." She mumbled, crossing her legs under her, lotus style, she began to pick at her nails, ashamed she came half way across the world just to escape her husband. You rubbed your face, every time something with Elliot had happened, either it be, flirting with other girls or stealing her money even though he had enough of his own.

"What did he do now?" You asked, comfortingly, it hurt you to see your friend in pain.

"I caught him with another girl..." She whispered, and it was so quiet you didn't catch it, but from the tears and hatred brimming in her creamy blue eyes you could piece together what that bastard did.

"He slept with a whore (Name). A. Whore." She growled, empathising her point by slamming her slim fist down like an angry ape. With her nostrils flaring, she glared the wall behind your head.

"What? Like a prostitute or just a girl?" You asked, just to clarify your worries.

"He slept with girl then gave her money. So yeah, a prostitute." Kiwi snapped, and angrily swiped at the tears that smudged her makeup.

You sighed quietly, and yanked Kiwi into your arms. She was quick to respond and buried her face in your neck, sniffling and trailing snot across your shoulder. You grimaced but ignored it and whispered comforting words in her ear as she cried.

Kiwi needed this, she needed to let her emotions out. She needed to cry, to scream, to smash and break things. She needed to let go of the hurt and the anger. So she could move on and forget her jerk of a husband.

After a few short minutes, Kiwi pulled away and whispered a light thank you. Wiping her runny nose, she jogged to the bathroom to fix up her makeup. Considering Dan and Phil would be over in an hour.

When Dan and Phil arrived, they exchanged quick reunion hugs with Kiwi, laughed and chatted like their old days. Smiling under your breath, at your three idiots you emptied some mixed nuts into a bowl and placed them on the counter, you also popped open a box of pringles and settled them down next the nuts.

"(Name), you didn't tell us, Kiwi was your best friend." Phil laughed, his arm swung around Kiwi's shoulder as he leaned over her, red wine glass dancing in his calloused hand.

"Well, neither did you." You joked back, sipping on your glass, Dan chuckled and stood next to you, slipping his hand around your waist. If anyone walked in, you four would look like two couples hanging out, but you knew Dan's gesture was purely friendly, even though it was like vodka to blood. Your heart raced and your mind went blurry, maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe Dan was just your drug.

"Oh my god, are you guys together?" Kiwi gasped, chugging the rest of her, third glass of wine.

"No!" Both Dan and you stuttered out, faces blaring ruby and heart erratic. You gulped, and peeked out the corner of your eye to watch Dan. He chatted animatedly with Phil and Kiwi, his eyes creasing with his adorable crow feet. And his sad faced dimple popping out on his cheek. Dimples were one of weaknesses.

"Anyone need a refill?" You asked, slipping away from Dan before his sexiness knocked your knees out. As you walked back to the kitchen, you couldn't help but feel a pair of dirty brown eyes on your ass.

You had to pinch your lips to stop the smirk that threatened to break through.

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