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"Listen up, seniors!" Danny yells through his megaphone that he stole from a teacher, standing up on top of the table, and Kellin widens his eyes, looking at me. I give him a wink and smile, and the cafeteria goes silent.

"Victor here has an announcement to make." Danny says, stepping down from the table and sitting next to Kellin, and I hop up on the table, waving to Jack, who was smiling and waving at us from the cafeteria. He comes running over to us.

"Danny said I have an announcement to make, so i'm going to make this as blunt as possible, really." I say, and everyone waits for it.

"I'm a flaming homo who loves Disney, really. I'm gay." I say, and everyone gasps, their eyes wide.

"Be as shocked as you want, but I do have a very wonderful and amazing boyfriend, who I would never trade for the world, he is my world." I say, and Kellin blushes, burying his face in his hands.

"Kellin Quinn, can you please step up here with me?" I ask, holding out my hand to him, and I help him up on the table. I hear Jenna and Tay squealing, and I see Danielle smiling at us, and I hear Austin and Alan clapping.

"This is my wonderful and amazing boyfriend, who I would never trade the world for. He makes me very, very happy, and I love him with all my heart." I say, staring at him, and he presses his lips together, hiding a smile as his blush deepens.

"I can go on and on about him for hours, but let's keep this really short and really sweet, because I really want to kiss him." I laugh, and Kellin smashes his lips against mine, making people cheer and clap.

"I love you, so much, so, so much." Kellin giggles, and I kiss his nose gently, making him smile more.

"I love you, too, angel." I say, relieved and extremely happy that now I can freely be with Kellin in school, and he hugs me tightly, Jack and Danny and Mike jumping up on the table.

"Oh, yeah, give Vic or Kellin any shit and we'll beat you up!" Danny yells, and they all nod.

"Me too, I stand with Vic!" Austin yells from across the cafeteria, and we both laugh.

"We'll put lipstick on you while you're laying in your graves!" Jenna yells, and we laugh harder, as I hold Kellin's waist tightly.

This was all so perfect.


"Oh, Viccy." Kellin sighs, his almost bare body laying on top of mine as he emerges from his shower, and I smile, running my fingers though his dark locks slowly. Nothing could be more perfect than this.

"I'm here, baby boy." I murmur, wrapping my arms around him tightly, and he curls up a little, cuddling me. I kiss his hair gently, and he smiles softly.

"I love you, Vic." He says, and I smile.

"And I love you, Kellin. Get some rest." I say, releasing him so he cab burying himself under the bedsheets, and he lays on my side, his legs tangled between mine, his hand on my chest. I wrap my arm around his shoulders, lulling him to sleep with my soft humming, and I fall asleep wondering how I got so lucky with Kellin.

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