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"So we have to create a math equation and solve it." I say, and Kellin nods, rolling up the sleeves of his pink pastel sweater a little.

"Basically." He says, and I sigh loudly.

"There are much better things we can be doing than this project." I groan, and he looks at me.

"Do you want to fail?" He asks, and I sigh.

"No, not re-" I start, but he cuts me off.

"Then get the hell up and think of something." He says, and I smirk, standing up off my bed. When did he become so demanding? I'm always the demanding one here.

"Feisty much?" I murmur, and he scoffs.

"Says the short Mexican." He says, and I gasp.

"Hey, I am taller than you, by like, half an inch, shut up." I whine, and he laughs.

"Whatever, Vic." He says, and I sit down on my bed again, opening my notebook. I scribble down a bunch of numbers, and I let out a loud sigh. This is boring, I hate school.

"Do you even pass?" He asks, and I nod.

"Every subject, I just hate math."

"Aren't you a drug dealer or something?" He asks curiously, and I tense. Drug dealer? What the fuck?

"Who told you that?" I ask, and he shrugs.

"Nobody." He says. "I'm just curious, you're kinda the school troublemaker." He says, and I chuckle.

"Well, no, i'm definitely not a drug dealer, and whatever you say." I say, and he smiles.

"Aren't you Mike Fuentes's older brother?" He asks, and I nod.

"Yes I am." I say, and he thinks for a moment, writing down an equation on the whiteboard that he keeps mounted on the wall in his room.

"He's worse than you, really." Kellin says, giggling, and I laugh.

"Definitely." I say, and I smile at Kellin. Why was he so curious about me now?

"Any particular reason why you're so interested in my life now?" I ask, and he blushes a little.

"I'm working with you on a project, I should get to know you." He says.

"You never even used to talk to me, you were always hanging out with Taylor and Jenna." I laugh, and he smiles.

"Those are my two best friends, always, plus, I didn't want to get beat up by your posse. You're a lot different from them, Vic." He says, and I frown a little. I know what he meant by posse. The people I surround myself with, like Josh, and Danny, they were all bad news. I didn't like hanging out with them, but if it meant keeping my secret safe, then it's okay.

I'm a flaming homo who's in love with Disney.

"Aren't you friends with Jack too, though? He's cute." Kellin says, and I smile, clenching my fist to contain my jealousy.

"Jack is like a brother to me, of course, and what do you mean by cute?" I ask, and he smiles.

"He is, he's hyper and stuff." Kellin says, and I laugh, quite falsely.

"I forgot, you swing that way." I chuckle, and he nods, blushing a little more.

"I do." He says, and we stay silent.

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