Chapter Sixty-Seven

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"My calf hurts really bad. Besides that, I'm . . . I'm okay." She answered softly. 

As my fingertips grazed down her back, the warmth spread to all areas of my body. She let out a small, satisfied sigh as I gently dragged my fingers down her torso. 

"I'm going to get ready for bed. Would you mind if we talked about it then?" I asked. I was uncertain as to whether or not Nira would be okay with talking about her abduction, but I needed answers. The First Order needed to take these traitors down, and fast. They may relocate or make another attack soon, but we need to be the ones to make the first move. 

Once I was ready for bed, I dimmed the lights and crawled under the covers with her. The words 'I love you' begged to burst out and were at the tip of my tongue. I desperately craved to tell her how I truly felt, but I knew I couldn't. 

Do you see the controversy? Nira causes me to want to be brave and confess how I love her, but she also keeps me from doing so because I can't risk getting her into any sort of trouble. 

I kept my mouth shut because I am not a risk-taker when it comes to Nira Leven's safety. 

Nira distracted my mind from adoration by saying, "I'm ready for you interrogation." 

"It's not an interrogation, Nira, it's just a few questions." 

She scoffed in reply, but I ignored her attitude. 

"Where did they hurt you?" I first questioned her on what worried me most. 

"Well . . ." I could tell it was hard for her to talk about it, but both of us knew that she had to, "They put me in an arena with the man who initiated my kidnapping. He, uh, beat me. Badly. That was their plan all along. They just wanted me to fight people. I escaped during my second fight." 

"Then why are you limping? Why are you missing some hair?" I inquired curiously. 

"Those both happened during my escape attempt." Nira admitted. 

"Do you remember anyone's name?" I now entered the more safety-related topic subjects. 

"Uh . . ." I watched her flawless features form into a frown and her eyebrows scrunch inwards, "I don't think so." 

Disappointing, I thought, But we do have one of their ships. Surely that has traces of DNA on it somewhere. We also know of the location of their base. I'll send out squadrons tomorrow morning to capture remaining associating employees of this enemy organization and to capture escaped prisoners from block 348. 

"Now Nira, do you recall any of the -- "

"Senator Shihan!" She interrupted loudly and unexpectedly. Nira covered her mouth and gasped. "I'm sorry, I remembered one of the names! He was on the ship that took me!"

I tried to put a face to the name of Senator Shihan, but nothing came up. I had never heard of, or seen, this Senator before. 

But what is he or she the Senator of?, I asked myself mentally. I now felt a severe threat upon The First Order. If there is a Senator, then there is an organization. If there is an organization that voluntarily steals an employee of The First Order, then they are an enemy. 

"Oh, I'm remembering the other one now. What's his name?!" She groaned angrily, and I repressed a grin. 

I patiently waited for her to summon the name to mind, and surely enough, it came. 

"Doctor Kutraron." She blurted. Nira's eyes unfocused and widened. She then blinked and shook her head. "He was the man that beat me with a -- "

Nira cut herself off and I frowned. 

Kidnapped by Kylo Ren (Star Wars)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant