Chapter 3

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When I opened my eyes, we were in the middle of a dense forest. According to Artemis, we were in Colorado about a mile from the hunters' campsite.

"I will teleport to the camp and tell the hunters about you. Shadow travel to the trees just outside the clearing and appear when I tell you.," Artemis directed.

"Yes, ma'am.," I mock saluted her with a grin. She rolled her eyes and muttered what sounded like "Boys" before I closed my eyes and she flashed away.

While I waited, I glanced around the small clearing appeared in. Right before my eyes, a blue backpack with a pattern of sea-green tridents shimmered into existence with a note attached.

I cautiously approached (hey, you never know when a monster is gonna pop out and eat you) and picked up the note. In a familiar bold print it said:


I figured you would like your own tent, as well as a personalized bow and arrows courtesy of Hephaestus. Enjoy and stay safe.


I smiled.

"Thanks, Dad. And thank you, too, Hephaestus.," I whispered.

Right when I slung the bag over my shoulder, I heard Artemis' voice in my head say, Shadow travel to the tree line now, Percy.

I nodded, even though she couldn't see me, and focused before running towards a tree, expecting to disappear in its large shadow.

Instead, I smacked face-first into the tree trunk.

"OW! Styx!," I cursed as I held my bleeding nose. I tilted my head back, still holding my most likely broken nose, and focused my energy into shadow traveling to the tree line like Artemis instructed. This time, it worked. I reappeared behind a tree just outside the hunters' camp. I could hear the angry shouts of the hunters, a voice I recognized as Thalia's being the loudest, but Artemis continued.

"I know we do not need a guardian, much less a male, but Zeus insists and I myself deem this one worthy. He is not like other males. He is brave, loyal, and kind. He is also respectful of your vows, so there is no need to worry about that either.," she explained.

"But, milady, who is he?," Thalia asked, impatiently.

"Well, you actually know him, my lieutenant.," Artemis stated. Thalia looked confused as Artemis turned to my hiding place in the trees.

"You may come out now.," she said. I slowly stepped away from the trees, one hand still holding my bloody nose, the other held up in surrender, since I'd rather not get shot with an arrow.

The hunters all gasped, even Artemis. Probably due to my face, shirt, and hands being covered in blood. Thalia was the first to recover.

"Kelp Head?!, she asked."What the Hades happened to your face?"

I blushed and rubbed the back of my neck with my free hand.

"Uh, let's just say my first attempt at shadow travel didn't go so well.," I replied. Artemis snickered and I resisted the urge to stick my tongue out at her, but Thalia looked more confused.

"Shadow travel? Since when could you shadow travel?," she questioned. I sighed.

"Well, you see-"

"Uh, hello? The rest of us still don't know who you are, male.," another hunter, I think her name was Phoebe, interrupted me, saying male like it left a gross taste in her mouth. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and give a sarcastic reply (I really don't need to give them more reason to hate me) and gave the hunters an apologetic smile.

The Lone Guardian (A Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora