Chapter 4

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The next morning, I was rudely awakened from my first dreamless sleep, I think ever, by a bucket of cold water being dumped on my face. I bolted up to see a few of the Hunters, seemingly confused that I was perfectly dry.

"If you thought dumping a bucket of water on a son of Poseidon to wake him up would annoy him, all it did was give me the energy boost needed to do your chores.," I said with a smirk. Two of the girls reddened with embarrassment, but the third only sneered.

"Just get up, boy. We leave in one hour.," she snarled. Then, she smirked as if she thought of something to make me hide underneath my blankets.

"By the way, boy, wipe your face.  It seems you drool in your sleep.," the huntress said, trying to embarrass me. Instead, my face fell as memories of Annabeth and the day we met surfaced and my vision became blurry with tears.

"Get out.," I said, my voice shaking.

"Excuse me?!," she demanded.

"Just... get out.," I whispered, as a tear slid down my cheek. "I'll be out in a few minutes."

The head hunter scowled, but nodded and the three of them left my tent. I got up and took a quick shower. Before leaving my tent, I grabbed my bow and slung it on my back. I then disassembled my tent and packed it in my backpack, before putting it on beneath my bow.

As I walked to the mess hall, I was amazed by how fast the camp had been packed up. Apollo had yet to begin his journey in the sun chariot and the only area left to be packed was the mess hall. I entered the tented area where Artemis and the hunters were waiting.

"Good morning, Lady Artemis. Ladies.," I bowed my head at Artemis and the hunters respectively. The hunters, besides Thalia, looked shocked at my manners, but Artemis only nodded in greeting and Thalia punched my arm.

"Ow! Was that necessary, Thalia?!," I asked, rubbing my arm where she hit me.

"Yes. Yes it was.," she smiled cockily.

I rolled my eyes and sat down at the table. I summoned myself some bacon and coffee and was about to stuff my face with the greasy goodness when Thalia snatched it off my plate and shoved it all in her mouth. I gave her an offended look, but she only gave me a grin with her cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk from all the bacon. I tried to resist the urge to laugh. Key word: tried.

I laughed until I was bent over clutching my stomach from laughing so hard. When I finally regained control of myself and looked up again, the hunters were looking at me weirdly, but Artemis and Thalia were smiling at me.

"It's good to hear you laugh again, Kelp Head.," Thalia said quietly. I gave her a sad smile.

"It feels good to laugh again, Pinecone Face."

The rest of the hunters' looks went from confusion to anger as Thalia wrapped me in a hug. Seeing the girls reaching for their bows, I quickly took a step back with my hands up in surrender. The hunters relaxed slightly and I sat back down to summon myself some more bacon, as well as some for Artemis and the others. Artemis nodded in thanks and began eating, while the others glared at the food, before giving up and eating, as well.

As everyone finished breakfast, Artemis stood up and we looked up at her, awaiting instructions.

"Now, girls, make sure the wolves are fed and everything is packed. Percy, please pack up the mess hall tent.," she instructed. The hunters nodded and walked off. I began my task of taking down the large tent. By the time I was done, the others were waiting to leave.

"Now," Artemis began, "Percy will carry the packs for the mess hall and armory tents. Head for the Black Hills of South Dakota, due North. Move!"

The girls gave a cheer and began running as lithe as deer, some snickering at me as they passed. I just rolled my eyes, slung the packs over my shoulders, and began running at a steady pace. The hunters seemed surprised that I could keep up with them and I couldn't help grinning at their faces.

We arrived at the new campsite by midday. The girls immediately began setting up tents, but something told me we were being watched. I slowly grabbed my bow and scanned the tree line. Artemis, seeing my alarmed stance, approached me.

"Percy? What's wrong?," she asked. By now, the other girls took notice of us and scowled. However, Thalia came over to join her mistress.

"Nice bow, Perce.," she commented. I held a finger in front of my mouth to tell her to be quiet before answering Artemis.

"I think we're being watched.," I spoke, my voice barely audible. Artemis and Thalia immediately summoned their bows and joined me in scanning the tree line.

"Girls!," Artemis yelled. The hunters quickly summoned their own bows and silence engulfed the clearing.

Suddenly, I heard the faintest snap of a twig in the trees and, before the hunters could blink, I pulled back on my bowstring and shot the arrow the moment it materialized.

The moment we heard the arrow hit its mark (wow, those archery blessings really worked) with the sound of a monster exploding into dust, the forest surrounding us erupted into growls and a pack of about 50 hellhounds emerged, most of which were glaring at me. I gulped.

"I don't think they're too happy I shot their friend.," I whispered.  Thalia snorted despite the tension.

A second later, we all aimed our bows and waited for Artemis to give the command.

"Fire!," she shouted. Simultaneously, forty bows twanged with the release of arrows. Unfortunately, only 20 of them met their mark, the rest being dodged.

As the hellhounds regrouped, I quickly slung my bow over my shoulder and uncapped Riptide, since swords were my strong suit. I charged the remainder of the pack and prayed to the gods I wouldn't get hit with a stray arrow.

I slashed and hacked until only a few hellhounds remained. I was battling what I believed to be the leader when I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder.

I was so shocked by the silver tip of an arrow in my shoulder that I failed to notice the hound swinging his razor-sharp claws at me.

"Percy! Look Out!," I heard Thalia shout from somewhere behind me. I managed to jump back in time so the swipe wouldn't kill me, but it still left deep gashes on my side. I faltered for a moment, but gritted my teeth and swung Riptide in a deadly arc in the direction of the hellhound.

I was met with the satisfying sound of it exploding into dust. I smirked for a second, but fell to my knees and hissed in pain. I pulled my hand from where it was clutching my side and saw it was covered in a dizzying amount of blood. I grimaced as Thalia ran to my side.

"Percy! Oh gods.," she exclaimed. She ripped the arrow from my shoulder and I fell to my back. I managed not to scream, but couldn't hold back a loud groan.

"Sorry!," she yelled as she pressed on the wound. By now, Artemis had joined her, and I was surprised by the concern on her face.

"Apollo!," she screamed at the sky. The heat seemed to intensify, but black spots began to dance in my vision and I slowly began to close my eyes.

"No! Percy, you have to stay awake!," Thalia screamed, sounding close to tears. I tried to listen to her, but I couldn't.

Voices grew faint around me as the world faded to black.

Cliffhangers tho :')

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