01| I Don't Like You Like That

Start from the beginning

Chat Noir's tail swayed as he turned around to face Marinette. His face was dead-serious.

"You seemed down, so I came to check on you. Something the matter?"

Marinette stared at her feet and played with her fingers. Her hair was down and shone brightly. She was beautiful.

"N-not necessarily," she replied, a slight stutter possessing her words.

Marinette had been worrying a lot lately. She daydreamed a lot, more than usual. About the day she would confess. And the day she would be rejected. It all seemed meaningless to her, bottling her feelings up.

Marinette blushed a little.

"Princess, you can tell me. After all, I'm a superhero, I help people. And I'll help you."

Marinette had never known of this Chat. The one she knew was an incorrigible flirt, who made puns every chance he had. Her mind was a blur and she had no idea of what was happening and why. Her teary eyes made it hard to see the worried face of Chat Noir. They slid down her face one after the other. No matter how many times she wiped her eyes, it was impossible to stop crying. Her hands covered her face which was flushed with embarrassment.

Suddenly, a warm presence had taken place around Marinette's wrists. It was Chat's leather covered hands, which gave Marinette reassurance. Chat slowly pulled her hands away from her face, revealing puffy eyes and a feverish red painted across her face.

"It's okay. We're friends, right?"

A grin was placed properly on Chat's face, setting Marinette at ease. She wiped away her remaining tears and began explaining.

"You see... There's this guy."

* * *

Tuesday at school was a lot different from Monday. Marinette didn't feel uncertain thanks to Chat and their chat. (Cat jokes. I can be funny). She was praised by Adrien for almost everything she did, and Chloe's rude remarks didn't have that much of an impact on her. It seemed almost impossible for it to be a bad day.

Once again, Chat visited Marinette. They stayed up late laughing until their stomachs ached and they could no longer smile.

Chat revisited every night after that for weeks. Adrien didn't trouble her anymore. Though, the thought of him still sent her into a daze. Every time Chat visited, Marinette grew more confident when next to Adrien or when speaking to him.

* * *

For some reason when Chat looked at Ladybug, his heart didn't pound like usual. His jokes didn't stop, neither did his terrible puns, but the feelings he had were wavering. Marinette made him become uncertain of his feelings.

Chat tapped on the glass of Marinette's window, causing Marinette to redirect her gaze from her book to Chat. She smiled contently as she rushed over to her window, undoing the latches and welcoming Chat. He stepped into the heated room, causing a thud on the wooden floor.

"Welcome back, Chat," Marinette grinned, placing a lock of hair behind her ear.

"Good to be back," Chat replied, returning the smile.

Marinette stepped back over to her bed and made herself comfortable sitting there while Chat took a cosy seat on the floor.

"Hey, Princess, I was wondering if you could help me with a problem?"

Marinette stared at Chat for a second before replying.

"Sure, what is it?"

Chat displayed an uneasy look, draping him in uncertainty and nervousness.

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