Chapter 14

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"Hello? Ma, are you home?"

"Yeah. I'm right here," She replied, walking down the stairs. "Wassup?"

"You won't believe who I met today. Well, actually I met him a couple weeks ago but guess who he is!"

"Uhm.. I don't know. Who?"

"My twin brother."

There was silence. Followed by her laughing. "Your twin brother?"

I nodded. "Remember that Tyler guy that's new to the school?"


"Well, I was bumped into and all my things, including that picture of me and my mom, fell out. He saw the picture and he had the other half of it. On the other half is my dad holding Tyler."

She stood there speechless.

"Whenever I look at him I try to figure out who he looks like. But now I know that he looks like me. Or I look like him.. I don't know if he came out first or if I did."

We continued talking about my dad before I got a call from Ty.


"Taylor, you need to get here fast!" He yelled.

"What happened? Where are you?"

"I'm at the hospital! Dad got in a bad accident and it's all bad.."

"Okay.. What hospital is he at?"

"Broward General."

"Okay. I'll be there in a minute."

I hung up the phone and told my mom what was going on. We quickly left and sped to the hospital.


As soon as I walked through the hospital doors I spotted Ty sitting in the waiting area. "Ty! Have you heard about dad?" My mom and I sat next to him.

"They said he snapped his spinal cord when the car collided and he's bleeding internally. They don't know if they can stop the bleeding.."

"Woah.. Do you know how he got in the accident?"

"He was drunk driving.." He said something else afterwards that I couldn't quite catch.


"He told me he would stop." His voice raised. "He was a drug addict and alcoholic. He always tried his best to stop. Now it's probably too late to for him to stop."

"Don't be so negative, Ty. Maybe this could be a wake up call for him to stop."

He shrugged and hunched over to cover his head.


-2 Hours Later-

We've been in the waiting area for two hours. It's like 7 o'clock now.. My mom left a while ago to start on dinner. I stayed to keep Ty company. The doctor has not yet come back to give us an update on my father. I've been playing Candy Crush and texting Jake. I told Jake about the day I'm having and about how Ty and I are twins. It's amazing how all this stuff is happening in one day. Ty has been in the same position for the past two hours. I don't know if he's crying or sleeping.

"Tyler Shaw?" A tall light skinned man called as he walked through the double doors. I'm guessing he's the doctor.

Tyler's head shot up and he had bags under his eyes. He was crying. "Yeah. That's me."

The doctor's face saddened. That's not good. "I have some bad news. Was that your father?"

Ty nodded.

"I'm sorry but he didn't make it. He was bleeding internally from two places. His abdomen and his head. The damage was really bad and we couldn't stop the bleeding. I'm sorry."

Ty went right back into the same position he was in before the doctor came.

"I'm really sorry for you lost. I hope you can get through this easily.." he got up and walked back through the double doors. It kinda took a minute for me to realize what was happening. Ty was devastated.

"Do you want me to drive?" I asked. He handed me the keys. We got in the car and drove off. "If you want, you can stay with us?"

He nodded.

This is definitely my twin. I do the same thing when I'm angry: Don't talk. Just nod.

I called my mom and she said he could stay with us. We stopped by his house and he picked up some clothes and what not before we left to go to my house.


"This is your room, right here." I pointed in the room across from my room. "There's a bathroom in there so you don't have to worry about the one down the hall."

"Cool." He walked in the room with all his things in his hands.

"My mom said we don't have to go to school if we don't want to. If you don't go then I'll go so I can bring back whatever homework you miss," I said as he placed his belongings on the bed.

"Okay. Thanks, sis." He hugged me.

"No problem," I replied as I hugged him back. "Goodnight, bro. I'm across the hall if you need me."

I walked in my room and took a shower, called Jake, and watched some tv before falling asleep.

What A Day..


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