Chapter 1

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"Alright, mom! I'll see you later. Love you," I said while hugging my mother on my way outside to my car.

"Love you too, Taylor."

I turned the car on and pulled out of the driveway. *You're Incredimazable! You're Incredimazable!* (Phone Ringing) I picked up my phone and saw Bahja's picture. "Hello?"

"Hey, Taylor. You on your way?"

"Yeah. Right around the corner."

"Cool. I'll be outside."

I picked her up and we were on our way to school. But on the way, everything was blurry. I could see but it was still blurry.

When we arraived at school, we were greeted by Nique and Bre in the hallway. "Hey, girls!" They said.

"Hey, Nique. Wassup, Bre?" I said.

"Nothin much," Bre said.

"So during lunch can we work on the campaign? I really need some ideas for my campaign ads." I said.

"Sure," they said.

"Can I come over your house after school?" Nique asked.

"I have a eye appointment today. Sorry," I replied. "But maybe tomorrow."



*After School

"Okay. I'm going to show you a screen and you have to tell me the letters you see," The doctor said after putting this big machine in front of my eyes. "Look through this." She pointed through the lense on the machine. I looked through and said the letters on the screen.

"A V K J M P" (Correct letters are V A K L N B)

"Okay," She said while changing the lense on the machine. Everthing looked different. She pressed a button and the screen changed. "Say these letters."

"T Q R L Z D" (Correct letters are T O P J Z Q) We did this three more times before we did a bunch of other tests that I probably failed. The lady walked over to my mom and they walked out to have a "Private" conversation. A few minutes later they came back in and the lady had a pair of glasses behind her back.

"Uhm, sweetie. We kinda have a problem," my mom said

"What is it?"

"You need glasses BADLY! And the only pair that we can put the thick lense through are these." She pulled out a pair of THICK coke bottle glasses.

I shook my head. "I'm not wearing those."

"Yes you are. I already paid for them. That's why we stepped outside. So I can pay for them."

"Well you wasted your money, cause I am not wearing those."

"If you don't wear them, your eyesight will become worse. And it could possibly get to the point where you won't be able to drive," The doctor said.

I looked at my mom. "Do you not know how lame I will look with these glasses on? Can I get some contacts or something?"

"That's what messed up your eyesight in the first place. When you caught that eye infection, it was because you didn't take good care of yourself when you had them on. The infection is still taking place. It's just not visible. There's a chance that it won't go away soon," The doctor said.

We sat there in silence for about five seconds. "Fine.. I'll wear the glasses." I put on my face and got them fitted. After that we went home and I went straight to sleep..

Braces and Glasses (Jacob Latimore Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now