Bike ride

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Writer's note:

Hey guys! This chapter was requested by Random Name! I hope you guys enjoy it! And I hope I got the chapter right, I didn't exactly get the request but after I researched it with the help of rc9gnrulz1234 (whom I would like to thank once again for the help and constant support) this is the closest I got to what I think you wanted. I hope you enjoy it!

Dipper hated everything. Right in that moment everything was awful. No, not in that moment. In about every moment that years things were going terrible. But now? Oh yes, now had truly gotten the prize for the worst possible moment of his junior year.

Dipper was leaving school in the evening because of the Goddamn project he had joined. The project that he had not even paid any attention to since his whole day was ruined by seeing the guy he had a crush on kissing Nathaniel. Oh who is Nathaniel you ask? Just the stupid guy that had stolen his idea for the best physics assignment he had ever done. So his grade was average since there were two projects exactly the same in his class. Then Nathaniel started dating his sister and brutally broke it off. Also he was perhaps the most fake and superficial person Dipper had ever met. And he had been talking to gnomes all the time.
Once Dipper saw it was raining he did the obvious thing that was call Stan. But as always Stan was "too busy" to pick him up. Then he called Ford. Ten times. None of them he picked up. Lastly he called Mable but she was using the car for "something else". Bottom line, Dipper was now riding his bike, in the pouring rain, feeling like shit and cursing his existence.

Dipper was lost in his thoughts. He wasn't even paying attention to where he was going. There were just too many things happening. That's he only noticed the car coming in his direction when it was already too late. He only felt the rushing pain and the shock against the car. The last thing he heard was a scream that he made out to be: "He needs some milk!" And everything went black.

Dipper was in a white room. The only thing other than the immense whiteness was a chair and a blond guy sitting with his back turned to Dipper.

"Hello? Who are you? What's happening?" Dipper said to the stranger.

The blond guy got up and turned smiling at Dipper.

"Hey there, Pine tree!"

"Oh no, no, no, no, no and no" Dipper said walking backwards. "You are definitely not doing this. This is not happening. Bill Cipher isn't just standing in front of me. He isn't.

"Calm down, Pine tree. You are in a coma. That car crash was harsh. I am inside your mind."

"This is just perfect. I am going to die with you being the last thing I talked to and the last thing I heard was a Goddamn Vine trend. This is just wonderful."

"It could be worst, Pine tree."

"How could this be any worst? Please illuminate me with your unlimited knowledge, Bill."

"I could be somewhere else right now."

"That is exactly where I want you to be!" Dipper screamed and started walking the other way.

He kept going and only more white appeared.

"You know this won't change a thing." Bill said floating next to Dipper now in his triangular form.

"I will be getting away from you so yeah it will be perfect." Dipper responded and kept walking.

"Not really. I mean if you don't remember I am the lord of the mind." Bill said and appeared once again in his human form this time a bit ahead of Dipper making the boy bump into him. "I can be anywhere I want in here."

"Urg! Just leave me alone!" Dipper said and sat down.

Bill sat in front of him.
"You might be staying here for a while." Bill commented.

"Behold the face of someone that doesn't give a shit. It's not like my life outside is any better. My family ignores me; the mystical creatures that once seemed like the most wonderful stuff ever now are all either boring like gnomes or untraceable like the walk behind; my crush just got infected with douche germs; and school is a pain in the ass. So yeah, even being inside my head on the verge of death with the guy that tried to kill me and posses me more than once is better than being my regular self." Dipper said angrily.

Bill approached Dipper with a concerned look.

"Pine tree you should never say that. You life is incredibly worthy."

"It isn't. At all. It's just a bunch of bad memories combined together. And it's not like anyone would miss me."

"Of course people would miss you! All the Pines-"

"They don't seem to care all that much. They are never there when I need them."

"Well Gravity Falls itself! It owes you their lives! I mean you saved them from me!"

"It's not like they care. Or remember. No one remembers anything I did for them. So maybe this will be better. Let's see how they turn out when a there is a goblin invasion and I'm not there to save anyone's ass."

Bill looked down and licked his lips. Dipper refused to admit it but he almost seemed... sad.

"There is this one person I'm sure would miss you if you were gone." He finally said looking into Dipper's eyes.

"Who is it?! Because right now you are just convincing me that I am a useless freak that no one will miss at all."

"I would."

Silence fell over them.

"Yeah, sure. You would find someone else to bother." Dipper said in a small voice.

"I don't mean it like that. I would miss you for something else." Bill said getting up.

He put his hand forward and helped Dipper up. Dipper looked into Bill's yellow eyes. For once he saw something he had never quiet seen and couldn't quiet describe inside those lined pupils. Something that was greater than any other mystical creature he had ever encountered.

"Why are you really here, Bill?" Dipper asked with Bill's hand still in his.

"Because I don't want you to die. I don't want you to go away. I... I can't live without you. I'm..." He stopped for a while. "I'm in love with you, Pine tree."

Dipper was speechless. Even beyond his wildest dreams he would have never expected that.

Suddenly he felt his heart beat in his chest, as it got warmer. A bright red light appeared from it.

"Bill what's this?" Dipper asked looking at the light.

Bill smiled and quickly kissed Dipper.

"It's time to come back from the dead, Pine tree."

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