AU- Demons will be Demons

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Bill arrived at the Dimensions Pub early. He was extremely stressed and couldn't focus on anything. He sat alone on a table and ordered a Missi Mice- a bright yellow drink that came with brown sparkles on top- to start up. Bill kept tapping his fingers against the table and looking around anxiously until the people he was waiting for entered the bar.

"Everybody it is a good night!" The little hexagon demon said getting inside and quickly tuning to his human form with his whole blue eyes and incredibly beautiful blue hair. Bill did the same the time his demon companion went through his transformation. He kept forgetting his boss liked them to be in human form.

Cipher took a deep breath and rose up waving for the others to come to him. The blue haired demon smiled cynically and waved back going towards him.

"Oh and Yonkers be a dear and bring me a Special Sorority." The demon said to a lady creature that was serving tables as he went in Bill's direction. The creature nodded and went away. "Thank you!" He screamed after her.

The horde of the darkest and worst creatures in all of reality finally sat down and the blue haired demon sat next to Bill.

"Hum, Pine tree I wanted to talk to you actually." Bill said in a small voice.

"What did I say about the nicknames, Cipher?" His companion responded angrily.

"Sorry, Dipper."

"That's better."

"Well, hum anyway the thing is-"

"You know, Bill, this better be good news because you owe me some." Dipper said loud enough for the whole table to hear, smiling. The others laughed and continued drinking.

"Actually, I've had some problems in my dimension." Bill said looking down and taking a quick sip of his drink.

"You what?" Dipper questioned losing his smile completely.

"My puppet he-" Bill started but was interrupted by Dipper closing his fist and him losing his voice. Literally. As Bill was the lord of the mind, Dipper was the lord of the body. He could move anyone to his command whenever he wanted. Also he had grown so powerful that he could even control your mind. After all he ruled over six of the eleven dimensions that consisted reality.

"I don't want to hear your foolish excuses." Dipper said opening his fist and giving back Bill's voice. "Did you or did you not screw up, Cipher?"

Bill looked at Dipper choosing his next words cautiously. He could see the tips of his boss' hair turning red. Dipper's hair color functioned like Bill's eyes; it changed when he felt extreme emotions like anger, sadness and love.

"I did." He finally blunted out.

Dipper started laughing. That was not the reaction Bill was expecting. He suddenly got up holding Bill by the collar of his suit.

"You know, I am not even surprised."

"But Dippy you don't-"

"I gave you one job, Cipher, and you failed me. Like always. You are truly useless. I should have never trusted you with this task." Dipper kept talking full of rage. Now there were red highlights in his hair. "I should have never trusted you with anything. I am going to be nice and let you off slightly this once. No punishment. But do know that you are dead to me, you little shit." Dipper concluded and through Bill on the floor.

Dipper looked around and the whole bar was silent.

"Proceed with whatever you are doing people! There is nothing for you to see here." He screamed and the murmur of the bar came back. "As for you" Dipper said turning to Bill that was still on the floor. His hair was completely red. "You better get out of my sight right this second. You might have just cost me a dimension."

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