Break up and regrets

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"What are you trying to say?" Dipper asked not wanting to believe it.
"Dipper, I'm breaking up with you." The brunette sitting across from him said grabbing his hand. Dipper took his hand away brusquely. "Look, you are a fantastic guy but I feel that in this part of my life I can't be attached. I'm bisexual and in college. I have to enjoy it while I can. Our relationship was great. I loved it but it has to end."
"I understand, Jason. I do. Now please excuse me." Dipper said getting up and leaving the nice cafe they were at. It was a shame really, Dipper didn't plan on ever going back there.

"Mable! I want to get fucked up!" Dipper said bursting Mable's dorm room open.
Dipper and Mable had chosen and gotten accepted into the same college for both their sakes. They couldn't believe how they would live without one another and now they didn't have to. They always had each others' back for emotional support.
"Language, Dipper!"
"I'm sorry but that is exactly what I plan on doing."
Mable closed the book she was reading and got up from her bed. She was getting a double major in theatrical writing and fashion. Dipper was getting a major on physics and a minor on film.
"What happened, bro bro are you okay? I mean you don't even like drinking." She asked concerned.
"Jason just broke up with me after five months and I plan on deeply forgetting it."
"Do you think that is the right decision?"
"Completely not but it's what I need right now."
"Okay then. Just let me grab a coat. I heard there is a party going on in a sorority near by."
"Great that's where we are going then." Dipper said excitedly and grabbed Mable's arm rushing her out before she could even grab her coat.
"At least let me call Grenda and Candy!" Mable screamed as she was being dragged out.

Some hours and many drinks after, Dipper, Mable, Grenda, and Candy were still in the party. Mable was having a great time and even though she was concerned for Dipper her Grunkle Stan advised her to let him live a bit when they went to college. So she let him have a good night for once instead of being buried in his books.
"Hey! I'm going to get some water okay?!" Dipper screamed over the music to her.
"Yeah! Drink lots of water!" Mable answered and gave him a thumbs up.
Dipper went towards the table that was made into a bar. He had forgotten already what he was going to get so he just poured himself a glass of vodka.
"Need a little help there?" Dipper heard someone screaming. That's when he noticed he poured half of the liquid on his hand instead of the glass.
"Ops! My bad!" He said turning with the glass half empty. "Woah! Do I know you from somewhere?!" Dipper screamed looking at the incredibly handsome guy that was behind him.
"Of course you do! But luckily for me you are way too drunk to notice!" The guy said opening a big smile.
"You are hot!" Dipper screamed and took a sip from his glass.
"Woah, I didn't know how straight forward you were when you were drunk!"
"I'm not straight!"
"I said straight forward." The guy said laughing. "Anyway this doesn't look like something you would do. Why are you here?"
Dipper didn't listen to the last sentence over the music and he couldn't exactly make it out because of his condition.
"Oh what the hell." Dipper said and grabbed the boys neck pulling him into a kiss.

When Dipper woke up the next morning his head was aching. He immediately regretted everything from the past night. Dipper got up from his bed and looked down at himself. Weird, he only had his boxers on.
"Oh no." He whispered to himself realizing what that meant.
Dipper quickly turned to his bed to see a blond boy laying there. Oh crap. Who was that? He scanned his brain as hard as he thought for the memory of the boy but the last thing he remembered was him dancing with Mable and her friends. That's when the boy turned.
"BILL CIPHER?!?! What the God damn hell are you doing in my dorm?! In my bed?! Half naked?!" Dipper screamed waking Bill and silently thanking the fact his roommate was already gone. That would have been a really weird thing to witness.
"Oh hey, Pine tree. It would make a lot of sense you not remembering this." Bill said getting up from the bed also only in his boxers.
"You-, I-, We-, oh no." Dipper said walking around in circles.
"Oh yes." Bill simply responded grinning and making his regular tux appear.
"No, no, no. It doesn't matter how drunk I was I would have not slept with you." Dipper screamed at the demon.
"If you want I can bring the memories back." Bill offered Dipper.
"No, I definitely don't want your magic in my brain and I think I would rather not remember that."
"Well you seemed like you were enjoying it."
"Will you please shut up, you God damn Dorito?!" Dipper screamed.
"You look adorable when you are angry." Bill pointed out laughing.
"I shouldn't have done this. No amount of Jason breaking up with me is worth for sleeping with you. This is ridiculous. It can't be true." Dipper said more to himself than to Bill.
Cipher walked closer to him and grabbed his waist.
"Look, Pine tree, stop regretting the past okay? It happened. Now will you please calm down. You are getting me nervous and demons aren't supposed to be nervous." Bill whispered calmly.
"Let go of me." Dipper said trying to escape his grips.
"You know, maybe if I kiss you while you are conscious you will change your mind." Bill said with a smirk.
"No. Don't you dare."
That's when Bill leaned in and kissed Dipper. Dipper wanted to pull away. He was using all his energy to convince himself he should. But the bottom line was he just couldn't. He hated himself but he was liking it. Bill broke the kiss.
"See that wasn't bad was it?" Cipher asked with an arrogant grin.
"It doesn't mean it is right."
"Let me teach you a secret, Pine tree." Bill said getting closer to Dipper's ear. "The best things in life look wrong." He whispered seductively.
"Oh what the hell." Dipper said once again and pulled Bill's tie meeting his lips.

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