Peer Pressure

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This episode is an answer to this request: "Can I make a request? So, Dipper is just sleeping over with some of his friends, and since they are all like geeks like Dip-Dop over there one of them finds a summoning spell, and it summons Bill, and Dippy is like let's not guys, and they are like you are a chicken and Dipdop is like fine see what happens sorry if ur eardrums burst and they are like that was weird and then it works and Bill comes and he flirts with Pine Tree and Dip ignores him and writes in his journal and his friends are just like what the heck is happening and YASSSSS please do this!(geez I sound needy;))". Hope y'all like it!

Dipper didn't have a lot of friends but he didn't mind. That made him closer. Soos, Stan and Ford were the people he loved the most in the entire world. They had been friends since sixth grade and when high school came they stayed like that. And now sophomore year still the same thing. But Dipper didn't mind, he liked things to be the same. He actually hated change if you came to think of it. That was one of the thoughts that made him incredibly happy when Soos the Mystery twins invited him for a sleep over.

They were all gathered in the twins' bedroom. They were playing dungeons, dungeons and more dungeons. Dipper's favorite game! However, when he played with his friends Stan always managed to win! It was quiet revolting. And it was no different this time. They were half way through the game and Stan's win was looking pretty clear.

"Urg that's it Stanley! How in God's name do you do this?!" Ford screamed revolted knocking over the table where they were playing the game.

"Sorry, Point Dexter, I'm better at this then you." Stan said over the other boys boos at Ford knocking over the game.

"Hum so do you guys want to go back to the game or do you want to do something else?" Soos said lifting the table and looking curiously at the broken feet of the object.

"Something else. I'm tired of this game." Ford said angrily looking at his brother who gave him a smirk.

"I have an idea!" Stan said getting up from his bed where the boys were sat. "How about we explore the house?!" He proposed.

"Explore the house?" Dipper asked chucking. "And what exactly do you think we will find in this old shack, Mr. Mystery?" He asked sarcastically.

"We are always finding weird and cool stuff in here isn't that right Fordy?" Stan asked his brother.

"Yeah! I found a book with all this weird cryptograms the other day! It was sick! I can borrow it to you if you want it!" Ford said excited.

"I would be alright with seeing more of the place. I really like it in here. It feels holy." Soos said pressing his face against the wall.

"Ooookay... I'll just ignore that. But I'm also cool with looking around if you nerds want to." Dipper said pushing Soos away from the wall and getting up.

"What are you saying?! You are the biggest nerd in here loser." Stan said pushing him a bit and laughing.

After walking around the shack for about half and hour, the group of boys found themselves in a room that was inside another room that had a door hidden in the wall. It had no light so all they could see was what the flashlights allowed.

The room was quiet big and it had colorful tapestries on the wall. There were several shelves there too. Some had weird dried out plants, others had boxes with stuff written on them like Goblin Monster 1845, and others yet had some dusty books. The boys went looking at every corner of the room when Stan screamed for them to come to him.

"Look at this weird papyrus!" He said once all the boys were around him.

"Wow it looks awesome!" Soos said with glittering eyes.

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