The dinner fail

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Dipper and Mable were sat across from each other on the dinning table. It was their sixth summer on Gravity Falls and it was already a tradition of theirs. They loved it and wouldn't have it any other way really. However, with all the emotion, and thrills that special day was going calm and uneventful.
"I really want to get Grenda and Candy to go to a real party with me. I heard Pacifica is gonna throw one awesome one. And it will have cute guys. I really need those after Hans." Hans was Mable's last boyfriend. It didn't end well. "So what are you most excited to do this summer, Dipper?"
"Oh you know, same old stuff. Looking for monsters and creatures with Ford. Really want to spend sometime with Gruncle Stan too."
"Oh come on bro bro I know what you really want to do!" Mable said elbowing her brother.
"Mable don't you da-"
"You want to spend time with Bill!" She screamed happily.
"Spend time with who?" Stan questioned as he entered the room in his suit and went over to the fridge to get a soda.
"Hum... Dipper's boyfriend." Mable answered in a small voice.
Great. She did it. Dipper thought to himself as he stared his sister angrily.
"You know, I don't really talk about that." He said a bit more loudly putting firmly his hands on the table.
"Wait kid you got a boyfriend?!" Stan asked sitting next to Dipper. He took a deep breath and looked at Stan. No point in denying it now...
"Yeah. Has been going on for quiet a while now."
"Oh thank God! Last time I heard you talking about a crush was Wendy! Was already getting worried that either you didn't move on or that you were asexual or something." He said putting his hand on Dipper's shoulder. "Not that it would be bad if you were asexual you know. We'd still support you." He said getting a bit more stiffened up.
"No Gruncle Stan, I'm pretty sure that I'm gay." Dipper said with a chuckle.
Well, he thought, it wasn't that bad.
"So when can we meet this Bill guy?"
Oh no he didn't.
"You know I wouldn't date a guy named Bill after that pyramid demon but still want to meet this one. If you are dating him, he must be a good one."
Okay how would he get out of this one.
"Yes! You should totally invite Bill over! I'll cook and Stan and Ford can meet him!" Mable said excitedly of the other end of the table.
"I don't know if our Gruncles would like to meet Bill, Mable!" Dipper said trying not to show his anger while kicking Mable under the table. She just mouthed sorry.
"No I insist! Bring him tomorrow! We'll make a fancy dinner and all! I'll even make Ford come out of his nerd hole!"
That was everything Dipper needed at the moment.

Dipper went to the spot he used to pass a lot of his time on to find exactly what he was looking for.
"Pine tree!" Bill screamed with excitement as he flew quickly and hugged Dipper's face in his demon form.
"Human form, Cipher, human form." The twin said trying to hug the little creature.
Bill went a bit away and started changing with something that looked a lot like a wave of black glitter. And there he was. Tall, blonde, eyepatch, bowtie, top hat, suit and mischievous smile.
"How is my favorite human being doing today? Haven't seen you once since you arrived." Bill exclaimed coming forward and kissing Dipper's lip.
"Look, Bill, we might have a problem." Dipper said when they broke the kiss.
"Problem?! Who am I gonna kill this time?!" The demon said anxiously.
"No, not that kind of problem! And I never asked you to kill anyone!" Dipper stopped and took a deep breath. "Mable kind of screwed up today and told Stan that I was dating. So now he wants you to come to dinner with all of the Pines. Small problem: Stan and Ford can't stand you, so you will have to make everything to seem normal. I'm talking normal clothes."
Bill snapped his fingers and he was wearing a baseball tee with yellow sleeves, and a small eye of Horus over where his heart should be; black jeans; black converse and his hat was gone. The only remaining thing was his eyepatch.
"I can't take this off." The demon said pointing to the black thing that covered his left eye.
"That's alright! You look great!"
"Thanks, Pine tree." Bill said pulling Dipper closer by his waist.
"Oh and we will have to do something about your voice. I mean it's pretty remarkable. They'll know it's you." Dipper said as he was pulled closer to Bill and could already feel the demons incredibly soft breath on his neck.
"How about now?" Cipher replied with a deeper voice so different from his own that Dipper even got shocked when he said it.
"Wow, that is amazing. And you sound great too." The Pines said turing to face his boyfriend. "But I prefer your normal one."
"This one?" Bill asked in his regular voice looking deep into the eyes of his precious mortal.
"Yeah that one."
"You got anything to do this afternoon, Pine tree?"
"Nah. I'm all yours."
And Bill kissed him floating him a little bit off the ground.

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