Regular couple

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Dipper had never been happier. Dating Bill Cipher was the best thing that had ever happened to him.
After they defeated him in weirdmaggedon almost with the death of their Grunkle Ford, he truly thought that he would never again stand the sight of Bill. However things changed. The first time Bill came back he was in his human form already. Dipper didn't recognize him at first. He was sitting in the porch of the Shack reading the first journal for the first time. A tall blonde came in front of him dressed pretty strangely. Yet, Dipper was focused on the journal and just took him for a regular tourist.
"Sorry Mystery Shack's entry is that way." He said pointing without taking his eyes away from the journal.
"I'm not here for that, Pine tree."
If the voice was a signal already, the words "Pine tree" made him freeze. He looked up slowly and really took in who he was seeing. Top hat, bowtie and yellow. He hated himself for not recognizing his demon antagonist right away.
"No this can't be happening." He spoke more to himself then to Bill.
"Well it is kid. I'm standing right here."
"How are you not in the dream realm?! How is this possible?! You are a human now?! How can it be?!"
"You look confused, Pine tree. How about we take a walk and I tell you everything." Bill said laughing.
"No way! Do you really think I would be that stupid?! I'm calling Ford!"
However when he was getting up to call his Grunkle, Bill said the words that would change everything.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you."
Dipper stopped right in his spot. The images of the weirdmaggedon came to his mind and the ultimate thought that he simply couldn't put anyone through that again. If Bill made that once, he was almost sure he could and would do it again. It was better to just do whatever he asked for.
And so Dipper went. And Bill came back several times after that. Until he could stand him and then he liked him and then he just couldn't stand to be away from him.
That went on for a long time. But that was just how the both of them wanted it just that way. They made each other happy. Until the day came when Bill started acting weird. He would show up late, leave early, act worried and just not be himself. Dipper started getting worried that his happiness was going to finally hit a halt. Not that Bill had never done stuff that would make Dipper angry or sad but this was something definitely out of the ordinary. Dipper even tried questioning him about it but Bill simply dismissed it saying that he was being crazy and letting out a joke about something.
That's when the day that Dipper decided to take matters into his own hands came. He slowly followed Bill to a place deep within the forest. He didn't feel really good about it but he knew he just had to know what was happening. And again, Dipper was really good at rationalizing.
Bill entered into a little cottage after looking around to see if anybody was following him. Dipper slowly and as silently as he could followed and got in himself. He walked down a small corridor to a the room where Bill was.
He was in demon form surrounded by several black boards. Dipper recognized the images and calculous and words written in Bill's writing that  Dipper had learnt how to read over the time. It was the dream realm. The other dimension. Bill was making a plan to go back. He had been lying. For how long had he kept that?
"Pine tree what are you doing here?!" Bill said when he turned and saw Dipper. He quickly turned to his human form and went in the boys direction, but Dipper had already ran out into the woods.
As he ran, the Pine twin could only think of how stupid he was. How could he have trusted Bill Cipher all those years ago? He was a demon, a cheat and a lier. He truly shouldn't be surprised. He should have been waiting for this to happen. And yet deep down Dipper truly believed that Cipher could change. He had never doubted even one little kiss and he had been as happy as he could every time the demon told him he loved him. Dipper stopped and sat under a tree. He was stupid. Incredibly stupid. He shouldn't even exist.
That's when Bill appeared floating in front of him. Dipper quickly got up and was ready to turn and go away.
"Pine tree please wait! You got it all wrong!" Bill begged getting his feet to the ground.
"How did I get it all wrong, Cipher?! You tricked me and I fell right into you trap! How could you do this to me?!" He screamed angrily.
"Look that was not what you think. I haven't lied. Not once. You are the most interesting and incredible human being I have ever met! And I truly and deeply love you."
"Then why are you going back to the dream realm and leaving me behind?!" Dipper screamed with tears rolling down his cheeks.
"I'm not going back! I thought that some of the remainders of the weirdmaggedon could have opened a portal back to that dimension. I got worried. I remember how you and all of the Pines suffered with the first apocalypse and I couldn't let you suffer that way again. But I was wrong! Nothing bad is going to happen to you ever again Pine tree, I'll make sure of that." Bill said coming closer and hugging Dipper.
"We are never going to be a normal couple, are we?" Dipper whispered to Bill.
"Well but where is the fun in that?! Being weird is a lot better. As long as you embrace it." Bill said while pulling away and looking into Dipper's eyes.
"If it's for you I'm more than ready to do it." Dipper responded, leaning in and kissing his deeply beloved creature of darkness.
"I am never going to leave you, Dipper." Bill said after they broke the kiss.
"I don't want you too." Dipper stated with a smile on his face.

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