Unexpected Meeting

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3 Years Later – September 1984

“Well, Lindsey, thank you so much for joining us today. And you’re gonna stick around for my last guest, am I right?” Lindsey smiled charmingly at the chat show host. “I am. I’m excited to see who your mystery guest is.” “Well, actually, you know her very well.” Lindsey tried not frown, not to let his confusion become visible. Something in the way the host said ‘ you know her’ made him shiver, like he was about to see a ghost. And he didn’t need that now. Not after breaking up with Carol Ann again. He watched as the host introduced his final guest. “Well, ladies and gents, my last guest has been gaining gradual success over the last few years. The release of her debut album two years ago gained her a number 2 chart place and three top 5 singles. Now she’s back with her second album and a brand new look. Please welcome… Demi Lovato!” Lindsey whipped his head round to face the stage area, his eyes widening when the spotlight hit his former lover. Demi stood centre stage, backed up by a 5-piece band and two female backing singers. She stood behind her black mic stand, looking every inch the rock ‘n roll royalty she had become since breaking up with Lindsey. Since Lindsey had last seen her, she had gone through several different looks; long brown hair and bangs was the look she created for her first album, rocking out in jeans and heavy metal bang shirts for her tour. Now, however, she had changed her look completely. Her bangs had been swept to the side and her long brown locks were now jet-black. Instead of her usual performance uniform of jeans and a t-shirt, she was wearing a little charcoal dress, black leather jacket and killer heels. She looked hot as hell and Lindsey didn’t know if he could cope. Then she started singing…

I throw all of your stuff away

Then I clear you out of my head.

I tear you out of my heart

And ignore all your messages.

I tell everyone we are through

Cos I’m so much better without you.

But it’s just another pretty lie

Cos I break down

Every time you come around

Oh, oh!”

Lindsey watched in amazement as Demi ran around the stage, rocking out more than he had ever seen any other musician do. As the song slowed down again, Demi snuck a glance at Lindsey and their eyes locked.

I threw all of your stuff away

Then I cleared you out of my head.

And tore you out of my heart!

Oh, oh! Oh, oh!”

She tore her eyes away from her former lover and gave a powerful performance of the last chorus of the song.

So, how do you get here under my skin?

Swore that I’d never let you back in.

Should’ve known better,

Than tryin’ to let you go,

Cos here we go, go, go, go again.

Hard as I try,

I know I can’t quit.

Something about you

Is so addictive.

We’re falling together,

You’d think that by now I’d know

Cos here we go, go, go, go...

Here we go again!

Here we go again!

Should’ve known better,

Than trying to let you go

Cos here we go, go, go, go again.

The audience erupted into applause and Lindsey couldn’t help but join them. The host walked past him to walk Demi over to the couch. Lindsey nervously stood up, ready to greet Demi when she arrived. The host walked back behind his desk and Lindsey came face to face with his ex-girlfriend. She smiled her huge smile at him and he smiled back. They hugged and Demi whispered in his ear. “I’m really glad to see you, Linds.” Lindsey smiled and whispered back. “I’m really happy to see you, Demi.” They both sat down, neither of them noticing that the audience had been applauding their embrace. “Is it nice to see your ex after a couple year? You seem on good terms.” “It’s great to see Lindsey again. There’s no bad blood between us. Not anymore anyway.” Demi replied. “And Lindsey; is it nice to see Demi doing so well with her music.” “It’s wonderful.” Lindsey replied sincerely. “Demi was telling me last time she was on the show that it’s because of you that she’s even doing this. Is that true?” Lindsey chuckled. “Well, when we first started dating, I found Demi sitting with one of my acoustic guitars in my home studio, singing the song that has become Catch Me on her new record. I did something sneaky and let the other members of Fleetwood Mac and our producers listen to a secret recording I’d made of Demi and I singing some songs from the Tusk album and things just took off from there.” “Sounds like Lindsey did you a favour, Demi.” The host said jokingly. Demi laughed. “I owe Lindsey a lot. I was determined to keep my voice to myself but he’s very persuasive. In more ways than one, since we were a couple at the time.” The audience laughed when Demi winked at them, hinting at Lindsey’s obvious methods of persuasion. Lindsey shrugged, letting Demi’s words wash over him. He was far too happy to be back in her company to be mad at her.

I Hate You, Don't Leave Me (D.L)Where stories live. Discover now