I Want You

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Lindsey’s ear pricked up as he heard the sound of a new voice fill the studio. Looking out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Demi guiding a few well-dressed middle-age men into the studio. Lindsey, never one to make a big deal of anything other than his music, kept his cool and continued to finger pick the strings of his guitar. John, who was sat opposite him with his bass perched on his leg, watched him. “Aren’t you going to say hello?” He asked, just as Stevie, Christine and Mick all rushed over to greet Demi and their other guests. Lindsey shook his head. “Maybe later.” He replied, keeping his eyes on his guitar in an attempt to not let his emotions apparent. John shrugged, leaning his bass against the amp he was sitting on. “Suit yourself, mate.” He said, getting up and joining the others. A few minutes later, Lindsey felt someone’s presence near him. Stevie sat on the amp where John had been. “Lindsey…” She said softly. He ignored her, knowing exactly why she had bothered to wander over to him. “Lindsey, she wants to talk to you.” Lindsey continued to pluck the strings. Suddenly, a hand rested on the hand that was still plunking. Looking up from the long, red nailed hand, Lindsey did something he hadn’t done in a long time; he looked deep into Stevie’s eyes. “She really wants to talk to you.” Stevie said gently, staring back at him. Lindsey sighed, knowing that Stevie was right. He nodded, admitting defeat as Stevie got up and walked back over to her place by Demi’s side. Lindsey let out long sigh and put his guitar back in it’s nearby stand. He walked over slowly, standing hesitantly on the other side of Demi. “Lindsey, old chap! Glad you could join us!” Mick exclaimed, patting Lindsey on the back, oblivious to the obvious tension between him and Demi. Lindsey nodded, smiling shyly. He looked at Demi’s business partners, holding his hand out for them to shake. “Nice to meet you, Mr Buckingham.” They all said as they each shook his hand, introducing themselves one by one. “Nice to meet you all. I’m sorry to appear rude, but may I steal your hostess for a few minutes?” Lindsey moved closer to Demi, resting his hand on her waist. Demi’s business partners agreed, none of them spotting where Lindsey’s hand had placed itself. But everyone else did. As they walked away together, the whole room began to gossip, leaving the men in suits puzzled.

Demi let Lindsey lead her silently from the studio. They walked through the control room and into Demi’s office. Demi, never having been one to be led, left Lindsey’s grasp and sat behind her desk, feeling like it was a way of gaining some control. Lindsey turned away; he closed the door and continued to stare at it, his face away from Demi’s view. After a few seconds, Demi let out a weary sigh. “What do you want, Lindsey?” She asked. “You.” Lindsey replied immediately. Demi was surprised by his directness. He turned around and stalked towards her, a look of menace on his face. He leant on her desk, looming over her. “I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind since you… put me in my place.” Demi continued to gaze up at him, unsure of what to do. She had never been in this situation. But then again, it wasn’t every day that a normal girl had a handsome rock star confessing that he wanted her. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me, Demi. No woman has ever done this to me; not even Stevie.” Lindsey moved around to be beside Demi and sat on the desk. He lifted her chin up, making her look directly at him. “How do you do it?” He asked. “Do what?” Demi replied. Lindsey grimaced. “You really don’t know the power you have over me, do you? Probably over every man you meet, even those old timers out there.” Demi blushed. She stood up and walked over the other side of the small office. “Tell me you don’t feel anything for me and I’ll never mention it again.” Demi looked over her shoulder at Lindsey; he was on his way out of the door. Demi sighed despairingly. “Lindsey, I…” Lindsey stopped and looked at her. When she didn’t finish her sentence, he nodded and placed his hand on the doorknob. “No!” Demi exclaimed. She rushed over to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. “I feel it too.” She said, squeezing her eyes shut. She waited for something - anything - to happen but there was only silence. Then, she felt arms wrap around her. Opening her eyes, she looked up and saw Lindsey looking down at her. “That’s all I needed to hear.” He said softly, holding her close. Demi buried her face in his chest as he kissed her head tenderly.

I Hate You, Don't Leave Me (D.L)Where stories live. Discover now