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"So how's Kendyl?" Chuck asks the moment Nate hands me my phone. Nate shrugs running his fingers through his hair was we walk toward the elevator. Graduation is in a month and all of us will go our separate ways. Chuck most likely will travel overseas like he's been saying. Blair is going to Stanford. Serena is going to Harvard. Dan is going to some hot shot college for journalism. And Nate will go to France to see Kendyl. I'll be stuck here with my dad. Recently though I moved in with Chuck lying to my dad that I moved in with Serena so he wouldn't disagree. Dan however is very much aware and is wary about my decision but I can always just stay in chucks apartment with out him here right?  It's not everyday you meet your soul mate, I'm just happy I found Chuck as soon as I did.

The waitress walks away with our orders written down on a sheet of paper. Chucks hand rests on my thigh his fingers tapping away at the bare skin. "She refuses to come back because she doesn't want to be the new Serena." Nate says out of no where finally deciding to rant about this. "I don't blame her honestly. Everything went down hill for her here. The only good thing is that her dad got her an apartment just in case she came back" I say taking a sip of my pineapple smoothie. Chuck nods from beside me "She right dude. Even if Serena is old news now, there's still no one to one up that. Unless she comes back." Nate shakes his head "I just wish gossip girl didn't have to be a fucking thing. If gossip girl didn't exist notifying everyone in New York that she would be back then I'm sure she'd come home."
I look up at Chuck a glint of amusement in his eyes "Find out who gossip girl is."
"What?" Nate says choking on his water slightly. I sit in my seat sipping my smoothie quietly mulling over the possibilities. "Think about it Nate. Who ever it is has to have connections. They have to be an insider to know the things that they do before it's even news." The look in Nates face changes from confused to excited. "Your right! Remember when Kendyl emailed us, no one in the group told anybody but all the sudden gossip girl knew the second it was sent to us"
My eyes widen "Gossip girl is someone in the group."
The table goes dead silent all of us looking at each other as our food arrives.

As soon as we came back to chucks from lunch Nate is in the computer looking at gossip girls posts. "All of the posts are made seconds after we talk about them or go somewhere." Chuck comments leaning on the table looking at the posts with Nate. I turn my phone on calling Blair and Serena and Dan seeing if they're busy so they can come over. "We're getting to the bottom of this." Nate says looking fed up with life. I shake my head on the phone with Dan at the time hanging up. "Everyone's coming over Nate. I trust you'll do the right thing.."
"I'll try. "

The voices of our closest friends echo in the living room I sit next to Chuck and Nate grabs drinks from the bar handing them to each of us. "So what's this all about? I was studying for entry exams. " Blair whines a bit at our informal gathering. Serena pipes up "I'm just happy to get out of the house and hang out again! Guys were all leaving in a month we have to hang out more often." I stay silent looking at Nate as he initiates the topic "This is about Kendyl." Blair groans as the rest of the room is silent. "we already had this talk when she sent the damn petty email. Honestly Nate get over her she's not coming home darling." Blair sips her whiskey. "Not while gossip girl is out on the loose at least" I back up Nate and he smiles at me great fully. "What's going on?" Serena says "did something happen to her?" Nate shakes his head.
"I've noticed that gossip girl instantly knows everything about all of us. It's almost like one of us is typing it." Nate says casually taking a sip of his blue moon. Chuck looks around the room and I sigh. Everyone else has confused looks on their faces "What do you mean Nate is this some sort of interrogation. Because I won't allow you to interrogate us." Dan stands up abruptly giving Nate a death look. "Why, do you have something to hide Daniel?" Chuck smirks up at Dan making Dan glisten with sweat.

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