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"Do I really have to wear this?" I ask putting the tight but nice looking dress Chuck bought me. The turtle neck, clings to my neck. Chuck walks up behind me smile on his face "you look beautiful" he says then he reaches over my body and clips an expensive looking necklace on me. "Oh Chuck..." I start he holds a finger up "I know it's soon. But will you like to be my girlfriend?" He asks and I play with the real diamond that's around my neck as I think "Of course I would!" I say turning around to face him a smile on my face. He kisses my cheek then my lips sealing the deal. "Good. Now let's go were going to be late" he says grabbing my hand leading me out of the penthouse.

Walking up the steps to the apartments Blair and Kendyl live in is hell. The granite and heels making me sound louder than I was trying to be. Chuck helps me up "why are we here again?" I ask looking at him. "Eleanor is throwing a party to support her new line of clothing that Kendyl's father so generously paid for." I stop looking at him still "So?" He raises his eyebrows "So??" I huff walking again "So why are we here?" He answers me almost too quick "Everyone is invited and can bring plus ones. And Kendyl's father will be here and that'll give me some time to pitch and idea for a business." I frown "isn't that what your dad is for?" I ask as we get into the elevator "He's currently not open for pitches or in the country for that matter" he says.

Kendyl and everyone are standing in a circle all laughing and having a good time amongst all their elite parents and parents friends. I felt out of place despite my current designer outfit I was wearing. "The shoes are from Eleanor's new line" Chuck leans over telling me. I suppose so I didn't look like an idiot when someone compliments me. "Hello everyone" Chuck says. My arm is still interlocked with his. Kendyl is wearing more of an art piece than a dress "I like your dress" I tell her. She smiles at me. I'm not sure if it's real or fake "Thanks it's a Waldorf original." I nod "that must be nice to have a designer as a parent" I say smiling at Blair. "It is" she says taking a sip from her martini glass. Everyone chatted around Chuck and I. Nate eventually making it to the circle placing his hand on Kendyl's lower back I look at Chuck as if to rub it in his face. He shrugs drinking a drink a waiter gave him.

As I watch the circle I notice a few things have changed since I've arrived. Or more since Kendyl arrived. I remember hearing as a eleven year old girl all the drama and gossip of the upper east side. And how Kendyl Greys daddy fell in love with Eleanor Waldorf, mother of the second princess in Manhattan. Serena was the first princess until she went away then Eleanor remarried and Kendyl took over the kingdom. Poor Blair didn't even see it coming. Which makes me wonder if there's resentment. I highly doubt it by the way they act. But when Nate comes around Blair gets edgy. It could be that Blair has been crushing on Nate since they were toddlers and Nates had an eye for Kendyl. But I can't see that being an issue. Now Kendyl basically runs Manhattan with her father and has Nate and had Chuck. Maybe she needed Chuck back at one point to take their crown back and be a power couple. With her dads money and his dad's money what could've gone wrong? The uncanny attraction. All that attracted them was money. Not like Serena and Dan. Serena and Dan are different they actually care for each other and take care of one another. And I guess Chuck and I are like that now too. I always pegged Chuck bass as a player though but by the way he treats me I can't see him as anything else but mine. Maybe that how Kendyl and Nate are now. Hopefully. She needs some consistence in her life.

"I have to go.." Nate says after reading something on his phone "what do you mean?" Kendyl asks looking up at him confusion written on her face. "My dad.. He's-" Kendyl cuts him off rubbing his back "Go...I'll meet up with you later" The whole exchange seems private and quiet and I don't think I was supposed to eavesdrop but I'm only looking for some food. I walk around the corner as Nate leaves trying to not be caught by Kendyl. "Hey" she says. Damnit. "Yes?" I say spinning around to her "did you uh..." For once is Kendyl actually showing more emotion? Her voice trails off. "No" I say making it easier for both of us. "Oh okay then" she says walking away awkwardly. I could feel the tension drop when I lied to her. But I didn't want to expose Nate or anybody. If it was Kendyl I would be exposing. Then maybe.

"Well I best head out" Kendyl said once we all walked into our circle again. "But it's your house..?" Serena says chuckling. "Oh of course ha.. But uh I had made plans.." She says. "You made plans on the night of a big event?" Dan says getting suspicious now too. Even Blair seems out of the loop "K you didn't say anything about plans." Blair spoke up sounding disappointed. Normally I'd say fuck this bitch but I already have Chuck and she really seems to be enjoying Nate. "We made plans" I speak up smiling at everyone "She didn't tell anyone of you because obviously she's embarrassed I can feel it" I say lying or telling the truth I can't depict it. "Ohhh" Blair says looking Serena and Dan they both nod "Makes sense". Chuck walks up "You made plans tonight? With Kendyl" of course he's going to ruin it. "Of course. We're going to look at the night lights of Times Square and shop a bit!"
Kendyl says chilling it like the plan hit her. "Hey where's Nate?" Dan asks finally getting over one issue and creating another. "Went back to the hotel" Chuck cuts in this time. I raise my eyebrows trying not to cause suspicion. "How do you know?" Kendyl asks getting frustrated at Chuck. "I have each lobby of the hotels I stay at tell me when he arrives at whatever one. Gotta keep an eye on him." Chuck says smirking as he takes a sip. "But since my plus one is leaving I'm heading out as well" Chuck says placing his half full cup in a waiters tray. "Thank you for the invite." Chuck grabs Blairs hand kissing it. Making my jealously boil. But then he walks over to me kissing my forehead a more significant gesture. "I'll see you tomorrow. Have fun" he says walking out. The group I've come accustomed to now in shock that Chuck bass actually did that. I was more surprised. I thought we had to stay a secret. But, I suppose not. I watch him walk away before waving goodbye and leaving with Kendyl. "I appreciate that save there" she says once were outside "But Chuck was lying. Not about have the lobby's tell him when Nate arrives but by telling us he arrived at a hotel." She says. "Are you sure?" I ask her looking skeptical. "Positive" she says "So I'm going to go find Nate." She starts walking away before stopping and looking at me "You'll keep your mouth shut" she says before turning around and I swear I saw tears in her eyes as her heels clicked against the sidewalks in search of her Prince Charming. My mouth is sealed.

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