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Chuck was currently taking me away from the boring fest that was happening at Serena's. I don't know if it's because I was there or if that's how they all actually hung out. I mean it's better than Brooklyn where we went and trashed shit. But cmon. They're some of the richest kids in New York and they can't have a lil fun. Not to mention the monstrosity of an embarrassment Kendyl put me through making me act like an ape for that long. The acting wasn't the bad part. The bad part was that I didn't catch on that she was playing dumb until like ten minutes later. And yet again here I was disappearing with Chuck bass. He was growing on me. Not even the good kind of growing. Like the growing you want to stop but you don't have enough will power to. "Where are we going" I ask looking at Chuck for guidance "My house" he answered smirking at me. Oh. "Okay" I respond looking ahead admiring the walk we were taking. Chuck must live in Times Square cause that's where we were. Chuck walked into a hotel "you live here" I said looking at him. He nodded laughing "My dad owns a couple of them. This one has the best view." I nod waving at the door handler who Chuck just ignored.

We arrive in chucks penthouse. Well more of a bachelor pad. "Whoah" I whisper looking around Chuck just chuckles walking behind me now. I look around taking everything in when I feel a hand on my hip and warm breath close to my neck. "Chuck?" I say my face getting hot. This can't happen. Not now. "Hmmm?" He hums kissing my neck softly making my eyelashes flutter and my eyes roll back for a moment. His lips worked on my neck and I leaned back into him. The bulge in his designer pants pressing against my own bum covered plain kohls pants. Chuck pressed his fingers into my hip pushing my shirt up so his cold fingers touched my skin making me hiss at the sudden touch. Everything was happening so fast yet so slow. Chucks actions were slow his lips him turning me around and kissing my lips now. But my heart and mind were fast. They were working in sync. My heart going for what my brain could process. I wasn't expecting this. I wasn't expecting Chuck to take a liking in me. I wasn't expecting one of the most popular girls that could crush my reputation and my dads reputation to hate me. I felt the velvet sheets of chucks bed underneath me my shirt was off now and so was his. Chuck was reaching over in a drawer to grab something. He brought it to my face his lips never left my skin. He held a condom. I nodded I couldn't refuse I was so in the moment my heart wanted this. My body wanted this. The unspoken attraction Chuck and I have had since the day he welcomed me to hell was the day I knew this would all be a mess. Soon my pants and panties were off along with chucks pants and Calvin Klein's. This was it. Pure ecstasy filled me. The moment was so strong and it bonded whatever relationship we were beginning to form. Every fiber in my body was United. I didn't expect this. The moans and sweat over came me. Chucks lips on my neck made every thought leave my mind of doubt that he didn't want this. That he wanted this just as much as I refused to realize. I scratched down chucks back making him moan till I pulled at his hair. My heart thumped hard against my chest. Everything spun around us. The only thing I could think was Chuck. Chuck this. Chuck that. Chuck fuck- this was great.

The smell of coffee and bacon filled my senses silky sheet lay over my body. I felt sweaty and grimy. I needed a shower. I also needed to open my eyes. Opening my eyes I looked around suddenly remembering where I was and what happened last night. "Oh shit!" I exclaimed grabbing my phone off the table next to me checking the time. I was going to be late. And on top of that my dad kept calling me along with Dan. I look down at my body. I was completely naked. More memories of last night filled my mind. "Well good morning" Chuck stood at the end of the bed suddenly a towel low around his lower half and other towel he was using to dry his hair "You can shower" he said smirking. I nod taking the silly blanket with me when I got up making Chuck laugh. "Nothing i haven't seen before syd" I huffed furrowing my eyebrows. What got into me? Oh yeah fuckin Chuck bass did. The same Chuck bass that I promised I wouldn't let get to me or into me for that matter. I walk to the bathroom a towel and clean clothes that look to be girls clothes are set on the sink along with a toothbrush and everything I would need to get ready. Not bad Chuck Bass.

The outfit Chuck had picked out was a little skimpy and different I had to keep pulling the skirt down. Chuck noticed "Sorry they're a little weird I had my maid go buy some and I guessed your sizes" he said looking at me. "It's not big deal I like it" I said looking down. Chuck still hasn't brought up last night and we were almost to the school. Finally, "so about last night" he started and i finished "I understand if you want it to be a secret or if it was a mistake..." He sighed cutting me off this time "it wasn't a mistake but we can't tell anyone. And I mean it. Word will get to Kendyl." I was tired of hearing about Kendyl "what's so special about her!" I shouted scaring the driver or waking him because he accidentally turned the car real fast shaking us in the back seat but I continued nether less "You two are obviously donezo so she needs to move on. And maybe stop being such a bitch" my rant caused Chuck to explode in laughter "We are done yes but not to her. I was her first everything. She finds stability in me I guess. This is what Nate told me. But I think it's time I moved on don't you think" his hand was inching closer up my inner thigh making me nod involuntary at his actions "besides Nate definitely wants her and I definitely want you" his lips were dangerously close to mine until the car came to a stop and he straightened out getting out then coming to open the door for me. Chuck Bass should be the ninth wonder of the world.

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