43. Gosh, the enemy is staring at me.

Start from the beginning

Zarine scowled.

Neymar immediately ran towards his teammates and seemed to whisper something which resulted in them turning around and staring at her. The closeness to the pitch seemed suddenly uncomfortable. She could feel her ears burning red.

Oi you, Neymar, don't you dare gossip about me. Gosh, the enemy is staring at me. Ignore. Ignore. Ignore. Gosh, STUPID REFEREE JUST WHISTLE ALREADY.

And at the count of the well-prayed-for whistle the game started. The crowd went berserk, shouts, screams, cheers, cusses, whistled and roars rang across the stadium.

"First time watching a game?"

Zarine turned towards her left to see a tanned, leggy blonde flashing a perfect set of pearly-whites at her, "Haha, yes. Is it my enthusiasm that gave it away?"

The woman stretched out a hand that had far more rings than fingers, "I'm Ashley, Cristiano's ex."

Zarine's jaw dropped as she took the verbal equivalent of a punch to the gut. She hastily smiled and shook Ashley's hand, "I'm Zarine, erm yeah, Zarine." Godddd, this is awkward so awkward like the height of awkward. Of course, she's Ashley Gucci, THE Ashley Gucci, who'd been dating Cristiano for a few weeks last year. And what's with that intro, huh? "Cristiano's ex"? Really? That's how she defines herself as.

"Your earrings are very eye catching. I love them," Ashley said, her eyes fixing on Zarine's dangling earrings.

On second thoughts, maybe she's a nice girl. I only ever knew her as Cristiano's girlfriend, well ex-girlfriend. Sure, she always seemed really mean and uptight but maybe that was just the media and its projection. What's happening to me? I should have an open mind on this. Let's be friendly here, Zarine. Be your usual self. Don't even try to be jealous of her gorgeous hair. Blonde wouldn't suit you anyway.

"Thanks," Zarine smiled and sat down. "Your dress though, it's beautiful. It looks like it was made for you."

Ashley rolled her eyes, "Well, duh. It was made for me by Dior."

"Oh that's amazing," Zarine tried to smile.

"I wish I could say the same for your sense of dressing but I can't. I've been observing and the earrings are the only thing worth praising even though they would look far better on me, if you don't mind me saying," she gave an overly warm smile.

What, bitch.

Ashley put her fingers to her lips in mock upset, "Oh dear Zarine, I'm so sorry if I hurt you by saying that. Sometimes I say things without thinking. It's not like you were dressing up for a man."

What even.

Zarine coughed, "And you were?"

"Beg your pardon?"

"I meant, are you dressing up for a man?"

Ashley pursed her lips into a smirk, "Oh I needn't dress up, I have a face and body which do the job enough but I do have a man here, if that's what you were asking."

"No, I wasn't-"

"After I broke up with Cristiano for obvious reasons, I became his ex and Neymar's present."


"You didn't now that? Well, I know you are Cristiano's rebound but from one friend to another, I can call you my friend, right? Yeah, so from one friend to another, I have some advice for you. You and Cristiano wouldn't last, my dear. I know him, I know him very well, I know all of him," she winked.

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