Chapter 24

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Edward's Point of View (hehe)

If I were to describe in one word how I feel, I'm 95% sure I would choose: hollow. The other 5% would be: broken.

After my Bella left, I stopped functioning. All I do every second of everyday - with the exception of mid-nights - is lay on my bed, thinking all about her. The way she changed me. The way she brought light to my existence. Then to the way she had cast a looming darkness over it all. Apart of me wanted to be upset with her for breaking me, but for some reason I just can't. I don't think I ever could. She's too important to me.

No matter what I do, she just can't seem to get out of my mind. It's as if she's engraved in my head, almost taunting me that I can't have her no matter how close we seem to be.

I'm torn on weather I should try and move on, but I know I'm only kidding myself. She is the reason of my existence and no matter the pain I'm in, nothing will change that.

I try distracting myself from her last words to me, but nothing I do can stop them. The words keep on flowing in my head, repeating all that she said. And every time it does, I can't stop myself from flinching as the sting feels like it's penetrating through where my heart would be.

A knock on my door breaks me from my thoughts, however I don't bother responding. Rosalie just comes right in, knowing if I had a choice I wouldn't let her in. She stands leaning on the door frame, arms crossed and looking at me. I only spare her a glance then go back to looking at my ceiling while laying on my bed.

"Edward, you can't stay in here forever. You need to hunt."

She was right, of course. I need to hunt, but I couldn't find it in me to do so. I had been laying on this bed for about two weeks now, only making an exception for the meadow, I visit every midnight.

'Edward, she's not coming back.' She thinks to me. I don't respond as she huffs and moves close towards me. I can see in her thoughts she despises my Bella for bringing me to this. Yet, I can't seem too. I could never hate her. I could never feel an ounce of hate towards her.

Rose groans in frustration. "Why can't you see this? Bella isn't coming back! She doesn't love you no more. She deserves to rot in Hell for putting you through this. You're better than this, Edward! Don't give her the power to do this to you." She pleads. 'Please.'

Her words stung - bad. But I gave no sign of acknowledgement towards her, keeping my face as stoic and emotionless as possible. I know Rose was right in way, but I love her too much to let her go. So much that the thought of running to her house and begging her to love me has crossed my mind several times. Though I quickly rule that out. If my Bella is happy without me, I can live with that. Knowing she's happy even though it brings me pain. Her happiness comes before anything.

My family has been worried for me. I can hear it in their thoughts, As much as I don't want to hear it, it's there. Rose is probably the most upset and angry about this situation. The rest all have the same thoughts. That things will get better, how they always get better. How I have an eternity to rid my feelings and thoughts of my Bella. To move on. With the occasional thought towards my Bella about what possessed her to do this to me. They really don't know what to think.

However, lately Alice's thoughts have intrigued me. A few days ago, she had left saying she needed to hunt, but her eyes were already the most vibrant golden possible since they had hunted the day before. She blocked her thoughts by translating the Pledge of Allegiance in Roman and Dutch - which was quite annoying might I add - and continued to block her thoughts when she came home later that day. Though I was slightly curious, I didn't bother to ask. For all I know it could just be a way to try and get me to speak and ask what she was thinking. She knows how much I hate that.

Almost as if she had heard my thoughts, Alice comes knocking on my door for the first time since her departure and like Rosalie, doesn't bother to wait for a response before barging in. She gives me a meaningful glance before glaring at Rosalie. "Can you be anymore inconsiderate? Leave him be, Rose. He doesn't want to talk. Respect his privacy. He'll talk when he's ready." She scolds her. It's in moments like these that I'm grateful for Alice. She understands that I need some space right now and respects that. Not that I don't appreciate Rose's attempts, but sometimes it can be extremely bothersome. Like right now.

"Alice, he needs to get over her. She wasn't worthy of him anyway. You all should have listened to me from the beginning." Rose retorts.

"Oh cut the crap, Rosalie. We all know you're just jealous of her. You're practically blinded by jealousy and yelling at Edward for his feelings won't help. Compose yourself and try looking at this through Edward's eyes."

Alice's words seems to have silenced Rosalie for now, but I know this won't be the end of this discussion. I hear Rose's thoughts start to get riled up again, but before she can utter a syllable out of her mouth, I speak for the first time in two weeks.

"If you're going to continue your pointless arguing, please take this outside of my room. Perferably, away from the house. Your racket is giving me a headache and I'm not even sure thats possible. That's how much you're annoying me." My voice is a bit hoarse from the lack of use, but they heard loud and clear. Both stare at me for a moment, stunned I had spoken, but both leave me to my thoughts after a moments hesitation.

No where did my thoughts of my Bella leave off...


Surprise! I decided to do a chapter in Edward's point of view for you wonderful people. This was more for you to see how Edward has been through all of this. And to see how his own family is a bit shaken.

I kinda had fun writing in Edward's point of view, it was different. What do you think? Should I add in his thoughts every now and then? I'll think about it.

I have loads of plans for this story and I really can't wait for you to read them all! I feel so evil, holding all the characters fates in my hands, haha! What are your thoughts on this chapter?

I would also love to thank you for 17k reads! I almost couldn't believe it when I saw it. You guys are really the best a writer can ask for.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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