Chapter 11 ~ It's a game

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The ride back to the venue was silent and awkward, as soon as we parked up I ran back to the bus and up into the back lounge, locking the door behind me. I lay down on the sofa bed and fell into a dreamless sleep. I was suddenly woke up by my phone ringing, I groaned. I opened one eye and pulled out my phone, I answered it without looking who it was. "Hello?" I said sleepily.

"Hey Veronica, it's Vic, sorry if I woke you" I sat up and I couldn't stop the grin widening across my face. "Erm, I just wondered if you maybe wanted to go out for dinner tonight?" I could hear the nervousness in his voice, it was cute. My smile somehow managed to get wider. "Of course, what time?"

"oh, well I have a show in half an hour, so I'll come to meet you around 7" I could hear him smiling. "You're still at Bring Me's bus aren't you?"

"Unfortunately yes. I'm looking forward to it, I'll see you later" I replied

"Well so am I" he laughed "bye" and he put the phone down, I looked at the time; I had exactly an hour to get ready. I walked out of the back room, the bus was empty, I checked their schedule and noticed they had sound check, and they performed after Pierce The Veil; a smirk crossed my face. I made my way to the bunks and picked out my blue blouse and black leggings. I stepped into the shower the hot water burning my skin, it was relaxing. After a while I got out and put my clothes on, I went back to the bunks finding my skin coloured high heals and through on some random pieces of jewellery. My phone went off, it was a text from Lana;

L: "What's happened to you?!"

V: "What?"

L: "You're all over the news!"

I groaned, turned on the tv and flicked over to the news. "Worldwide famous model Veronica Radford has reportedly tried to committ suicide last night at a venue of Warped Tour after jumping off a two story tour bus belonging to Bring Me The Horizon, moments before this happened Veronica and lead singer of Bring Me The Horizon, Oliver Sykes, were seen arguing agressively. It is believed that the model had been drinking. After jumping off the bus roof, lead singer of Pierce The Veil, Vic Fuentes, caught her. Giving himself a broken arm and Radford a fractured wrist, a close friend of theirs commented saying that both of them were 'fine' and 'lucky'" Said the news reporter. 

Ugh this was all I needed, I grabbed my phone checking the time; 6:55. Pierce The Veil's set ended in five, I guess I should go meet him. I chucked my phone into my bag, pushing what I had just seen to the back of my mind and made my way over to their set, when I got backstage I noticed Bring Me The Horizon were getting ready to go on, the guys whistled all except for Oliver, I didn't care. I couldn't help but wonder if anyone had seen the news reports.

"Give us a twirl" Matt shouted, I laughed and spun around childishly. I walked over and gave him a hug "So where are you off to?" he asked

"I'm going out for dinner" I winked

"Who's the lucky guy?" Vegan smirked

"That would be me" Vic said as snaked an arm around my waist, "You look gorgeous by the way" he whispered into my ear causing me blush. Olivers eyes nearly popped out of his head, I had to bite my tongue to stop me from laughing. "I'm going to get a shower and get ready, are you coming or staying here?" I told him I was coming so we said bye to the guys and walked to their tour bus, Vic went to get ready so I had the delightful company of the rest of the band which meant non stop teasing and banter, we got on really well. "Are you ready?" Vic called, I nodded and walked over to him and headed for the door "Wear a condom" Tony shouted, causing all us to laugh. Vic entwined his hands in mine and walked to the exit. 

Hundreds of flashes were set off almost blinding us. We were bombarded with questions "Are you and Vic dating?" "How long for?" "Did you try and kill yourself last night?" "Why?" "Are you cheating on Oli with Vic?" "Vic, how long have you known Veronica?" "Did you know she was suicidal?" I covered my face with my free hand and Vic pulled me over to the car we climbed in, he closed the door and locked it. He told the driver to drive and the car sped off. "Sorry about that..." I said shyly. He laughed and I looked at him confused only causing him to laugh more. The car stopped and we arrived at the restaurant, more news reporters and paparazzi crowded the entrance obviously expecting us to arive. "Seriously it's fine, there's always a down side of dating a famous model" he winked causing me to blush once more and let out a giggle, we got out of the car and Vic hung an arm around my neck hugging me close into him, more questions were being fired at us but we ignored them and made our way inside. The waitress took us to our table and we sat down.

"Besides I'm surprised you weren't expecting it, you must get it all the time and you were on the news" he continued

I stiffened, he saw that? I guess everyone did it was the news. "I am but I didn't think they'd find me here. You saw the news?" he nodded

"Are you going to explain what happened? I heard most of it when you were on the don't have to..." The waitress walked back over, she kept staring at Vic, wrapping her hair around her finger, clearly flirting. "What do you want to drink today?" she asked, still looking at Vic. "I'll just have a beer, thanks" she scribbled it down on her pad 

"And you?"

I hesitated, I knew I shouldn't drink but I wanted to, Vic didn't know about my deal with alcohol, I left that part out, there was no one to stop me. "White wine" I smiled she just glared, not happy that I was with Vic, we ordered our food too.

"Oliver and I...we have a past..." I began once she'd gone. I told him the entire story and he just sat there listening, when I'd finished I expected him to get up and go, or tell me how disgusting I was but he didn't. I looked into his eyes searching for any type of negative emotion, there wasn't, only sadness. I got a text from Ben, the guitarist of my band, telling me that they'd arrived along with their tour bus. "Is everything okay?" Vic asked, "Oh, yeah everything's fine. It's just Ben telling me that they'd arrived and my tour bus has too" he nodded and the waitress had brought our food over aswell as our drinks, she left Vic her number; It was very tragic. We spent most of the night talking and laughing, ordering more and more drinks. I was completely shit faced by the time we left, Vic was sober enough to look after me, we made our way over to the car, majority of the paparazzi had dispersed but there was still a few left. "Veronica don't you think you've had enough to drink after last night?" "Are you planning on throwing yourself off another bus?" I showed them my middle finger not caring what they wrote about me.

"Are you going to Bring Me's or your own tour bus?" he asked

"Bring Me, mine's locked by nowwww" I slurred and he took me to their bus. 

"I had a really good time tonight, I hope you remember it in the morning" Vic winked making me giggle and turn red. He then leaned in and kissed me, his lips were soft. I ran my fingers through his hair kissing him back passionately, he broke away. I pouted and he gave me a smirk "I'll call you" he said and walked off back to his bus. I was a little disappointed it didn't go any further, I really needed it.

I stumbled into the bus, it was pitch black and I couldn't see anything, I made my way up the stairs. All the boys were asleep just as I thought they would be. I climbed up into Oli's bunk, it was the one above mine, I kissed him and he sturred in his sleep, I grinned and planted little kisses down his neck. He soon opened his eyes and pulled me on top of him kissing me hungrily, sending electric shocks down my body. I knew it was wrong, I really did like Vic but I couldn't stop myself, I just needed this. Oli ripped my blouse off me, like literally rip causing me to laugh like a maniac, Oliver kissed me to shut me up, I forgot about the guys in bed.

He took off my bra and flipped me over so he was lying on top of me, he went down and pulled my panties off with his teeth, I kicked them off when they reached my ankles, he gave me a look and I nodded telling him that it was okay, he entered me and I screamed his name... all night long.

A/N decided to update twice, yay.

Thanks to everyone who said they liked the story, it makes me really happy haha;3

okay, I love you all<3

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