Chapter 10 ~ Nice to meet you

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Veronica's POV

I opened my eyes slowly the bright lights burned them, I quickly shut them again. Where was I? Was I dead?

"She's awake!" someone yelled, I heard a door open several seconds later and people rushed over to me. "Veronica love, open your eyes" a voice whispered, I did as I was told. I winced at the lights, my vision was blurry but I saw people standing over me. I let my eyes focus and noticed a concerned Jen looking at me, I started to sit up and searing pain rushed into my head; I cried out in pain. A doctor walked in soon after "Right Miss.Radford, how are you feeling today?" I groaned in reply and he softly chuckled "Your friends have been very worried about you" I looked around noticing that everyone from Bring Me The Horizon was sitting on the chairs in the corner of the room, Oliver looked pale and sick, he weakly smiled at me making my heart ache. "Right, you had a bad've got a few cuts that we had to stitch up and there's some bruises and you've got a fractured wrist. You are very lucky, you should probably say thank you to your friend for saving you" confusion washed over my face, friend? what friend saved me? "I'll leave you alone for a few minutes while I get your pain meds and discharge papers" and he walked out.

The room went into an uncomfortable silence.

"What the hell were you thinking Veronica?!" Jenna screamed, I flinched; I was not expecting this. "Was that some suicide attempt or..or what?" I don't think it was, was it? I knew I wouldn't die. I remained silent. "How could you be so selfish?, did you not think about us, the people that cared?" I looked over at Oliver who gazed around the room along with the rest of the guys. "what about me, what would I do without you? Don't I matter?" I let her rant on for a good few minutes, I stopped paying attention because it really wasn't going to change the way I feel. The doctor returned, I took my pain meds and signed the papers. "You're free to go, I hope I never see you in here again" I smiled.

"V, we're going to be in the car, we'll leave you to get changed" Matt said and they all left the room. I let out a deep sigh and got changed into my clothes. As I left my hospital room I felt a hand on my arm and I spun around to a man with a sling on his arm. "Can I help you?" I asked him

He laughed "You don't even recognise your own hero", I was completely confused until I realised he was the one who saved me when I fell. My eyes widened "I did this to you?" I asked looking down at his arm and bruised body, guilt washed over me. "You did" he laughed looking at my expression, he extended his arm, "Hi, I'm Vic" I shook his hand

"I'm Veronica"

"Well nice to meet you, so are you going to tell me what last night was all about, over dinner maybe?" he winked, did he just ask me out? I bit my lip and smiled "Of course, gimme your phone" he handed it over to me, I entered my number and gave it back to him. "Call me sometime" I winked and walked off to the find the others.

These secrets will kill us Oliver SykesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora