Separated by a Fence (15)

Start from the beginning

“Hey Dana, hey Mum,” I said, sinking down on a chair.

“You’re back!” Dana squealed, without taking her eyes off the screen.

Mum continued typing while speaking. “How was your little get-together hon? Did you have a good bonding time?’

I rolled my eyes. “Sure.”

“Did I mention I’m halfway through Countless Relationships?” Mum told me, excitedly. “So right now, Lana Webster-the main woman-is dating a man called Isaac Powers, who is a total millionaire. And now the bit I’m writing is-

“Mum, spare the details-please,’ I held a hand up.

She laughed, before pausing her frantic typing-giving her enough time to glance up. She stretched her fingers out, and took a sip of her mug of coffee. “So what happened? What did you do?”

I ran a hand through my hair, sighing. “Ah...well...we played soccer. It was boys against it wasn’t exactly fair...but Montana surprisingly won. Then we headed to Nando’s...and um yeah.”

I decided not to tell her about the whole episode with Montana storming out of the restaurant-otherwise Mum would be begging for details. She becomes a ravenous, hungry dog if you feed her a cliffhanger of some juicy gossip or something. It’s kinda freaky.

“Aww, that sounds adorable!” Mum gushed.

I pulled a disgusted face. “No”

She chuckled, before resuming her frantic typing. “Well, there’s some frozen lasagne in the freezer. Go heat it up for dinner.”

I raised an eyebrow, lifting myself off the chair. “Whaaaat about you?”

Mum waved a hand in the air, uncaringly. “Oh, I’ll just have cheese with biscuits or something. Don’t worry about me. And your father has a business dinner-so he won’t need any dinner.”

I rolled my eyes, nodding, and started strolling to the kitchen.

“Oh hon? Rochelle’s coming over with her parents, just to catch up!” Mum called over her shoulder.

I grinned, and continued walking to the kitchen. If I get enough luck, maybe I can actually try and ask her out.

Now it was time to brush up on the flirty guy skills.



Once I’d returned home from Nando’s and that horrible Sam Taylor, I straight away went upstairs without greeting anyone, to bathe. Long baths usually calmed me down-and cooled down all the fuelling anger.

After a long bath (listening to my iPhone), I threw on an evergreen coloured sweater with the words DREAM ON messily scrawled in white over the middle, and a pair of comfy grey trackies. After blow-drying my hair, I straightened it and tied my hair into a loose bouncy ponytail.

Grabbing Just Listen by Sarah Dessen, I headed downstairs-straight to the kitchen. There were two girls (both dressed in tiny tops and skirts-so tiny that from faraway, you could easily mistake them as naked) chatting animatedly in the kitchen.

I raised an eyebrow, tucking my book under my arm more tightly. “Um...who the hell are you guys?”

They stopped giggling, and both turned to face me, glaring at me.

“Who the hell are you?” snapped the one who looked like she had, had plastic surgery on her nose.

“Um...I live here?” I shot back, narrowing my eyes.

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