Visits From An Unwanted Guest

Start from the beginning

"He sure did a number on your face. Does it hurt?" Millie ask.

"Millie." I said.

"Actually it's Millie Lou."

My eyes traveled to Daniel who still lied in a crib that Vega made for him out of vines and leaves forever ago. She had gotten good with things around here I actually called her my handy woman just to mess with her. She hated that nickname. I could see Daniel's chest moving up and down and I sighed a small forced breath.

"He's alive." she said as she sat next to him and I stood up. "Try anything I will snap his little itty neck." she said in a small baby tone and I stopped dead in my tracks. "I am just here to talk.. Do you know what talk is or are you all hands nowadays?"

"Depends.. Are you on my list of people I hate? Oh yeah I think you are. You kind of killed Tigeress making Brett go loopy so yeah I might be all hands tonight."

"Do you miss Tigeress?"

Not really.

"Of course I do."

"What was the last thing you talked to her about?"

"About a boat." I couldn't remember so I decided to say the very first thing that came to mind.

"No just you two." I tried to remember but we did not talk much. "Exactly.. I believe the last thing you two talked about was Katie's fantasy."

"Wait. You know about that?"

"Of course.. I know a lot of things you guys have no idea I know about.."


"Like... None of your business."

"Why are you here?" I stepped closer and she stuck up her right hand.

"I will do it."

"He is just a baby.."

"I know he is.... He shouldn't even be here... Why Dan would do such a stupid thing... I will never know.. I should have broken them up when I saw them together that night... But stupid Shay always telling me to leave his stupid little brother alone."

"Ah huh.."

She rolled her eyes as she looked up at me. "How much do you hate Shay?"

"How much face do I have left?"

"Not much."

"Then I hate him a whole lot."

"I thought so."

"Why does it matter? I know you didn't come all this way just to ask me that."

"I didn't. I just went on a walk and I saw your light were on. I figured I will pay a visit to a nice neighbor and a newborn baby."

"Well you came and saw now get the hell out of here."

"Not so fast."

"What do you want from me?"

"Nothing Hunter nothing at all. Not yet at least. Your time will come."

"Is that a threat?"

"No not at all. I don't threatened people.. Threats get you nowhere." I can almost hear Shay saying those exact words just nights ago...

"You have to go."

"I think I can decided that for myself. Thank you very much."

"LEAVE!!" I raised my voice and the baby turned onto his side. I held my breath hoping it would not stare.

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