A Feeling

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"Where's Katie?" I asked Guthrie who was lying in the sand close to the water he let the wave wash over him and you could almost see the steam coming off of him. I bent down and I felt his forehead his head felt like a coal mine, each day he was becoming more and more sick and each day we grew more worried about him. "Hey how are you feeling?"

"Don't tell Vega I said this but I feel like shit." he told me as he rubbed his head.

"Yeah why don't we get Brett to take you out into the water for a little swim some exercise might do you some good."

"Ok... Oh by the way Katie went into the forest a little while ago."

"Alright thanks."

"Uh huh." his eyes closed and he sighed as a wave covered him and it knocked me over.
The power of the water told me all that I needed to know.. A storm was coming and it was coming soon.

I patted Guthrie's shoulder and he kept his eyes close. "You'll be alright." I got up and I called Brett over telling him to watch him he did as he was told and I went into the forest area of the island.

I slipped on some mud and I got caught in some vines and I groaned I wasn't feeling well today and I still hurt from the fight from a couple of weeks ago so this walk wasn't helping my recovery.

I could hear a soft voice singing and I smiled it was the worst sound I ever heard but I knew who it belonged too.
I followed it to the small stream I see the guys sometimes take a bath in since its shallow.

"It was easy to say those words you said and the look on your face I knew there was nothing left almost wishing we were fighting and screaming and crying but of a drop of a tear didn't know how to feel like I was numb." Katie was standing and her back was turned to me and I smiled.

"Hey Space Girl." I said.

She turned around and screamed I turned around quickly as I noticed why she was out here alone she was taking a bath. "Do you mind!?"

"I- I- I'm sorry."

"Did you see anything?"

Yes I did.
"No." I told her to reassure her.

"Alright good." she sighed and I heard the water splash. "You can look now if you want too."

"Are you decent?"

"You could say that."

I turned around and she was sitting in the water her hair was up in a messy bun and I couldn't help but think of her as gorgeous. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have just came an-"

"Hunter it's fine."

"I'm so-"

"Hunter just shut up it's ok really."

"Sorry." I told her quickly before she interrupted me again.

"I will come over there and hit you.."

Please do...
"Please don't. I could go my whole entire life without seeing whatever you're hiding under the water."

"Whatever." she splashed the water at me and a small wave of moisture hit the back of my pants making them wet.

"Hey that's not very nice.."

"I know." she laughed. "So we have been here for 5 months and I barely see you come over here do you even take baths?"

"Yeah I usually do it every night when everyone else is asleep."

"You do?"



"So no one walks over here like I just did to you."

"Ah I see."


"Good idea."

"You should think about doing that to keep this from happening."

"I'll keep it in mind."

"Well I should get going because one of the rules are not to spy on the ladies while they are taking a bath."

"Or you could stay and talk to me."

"I should really go check on Guthrie."

"How is he doing?"

"He's not getting any better... I'm gonna go check up on him."


"Bye Space Girl." I smiled as I started my walk back and I couldn't seem to wipe the smile off of my face as I imagined the droplets of water sliding off of her arms and legs.

I stopped in my tracks and I looked back at the stream where Katie was taking a bath this can't be happening.
Has everyone been right this whole entire time?

I can't be in love with her. 

Bermuda TriangleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora