Flowers In The Water

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I haven't seen Vega in days I want to search for her but I can't bring myself to get up and do that. She lost him... and I lost him.. and I don't know what to do. Everyone looks for guidance from me but I looked for guidance from Dan. He kept me on my toes, he had enough faith that it kept me believing and going. Without him I feel empty like I lost a brother...

In fact I did lose a brother.

A brother I actually wish was blood.

Me wishing for a sibling not many people do that so I find that kinda funny at least in my perspective it's funny.

"Can you believe it?" Katie said as sat next to me in the sand.

"What?" I asked trying to focus on her and not in the pain that lies deep within my broken heart.

"Vega and Dan like a couple and we didn't even know."

"We all kind of figure."

"Yeah but they never told us.. There's a difference between knowing and having a hunch.."

"Yeah whatever."

"Can you believe she's pregnant?"

"Who's pregnant?" Shay asked.

"V-" I pushed Katie over quickly and I covered her mouth.

"Don't say another word." I told her. She looked up at me scared and confused. I wondered if she even listened to Dan. Or did she just not understand him? Millie was the her he was talking about which left the he spot up to Shay. Shay would be the only one who would fit the spot. From what I have picked up Dan would only be worried about those two.

"Hey!" Shay yelled and he slapped my hand away from Katie's mouths. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah. It's um." she looked at me frowning. "It's an inside joke."

"Great. We are already having inside jokes. Fantastic."

"Hunter!" Ellfie said he ran towards me but stopped dead in tracks as Shay started laughing.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Um... Never mind it's not important."

"Of course it is Ellfie. What's bothering you?" Shay asked with a smile.

"Nothing.. Of course nothing would be bothering me. Why would you think that?... Thomas I um wanted to speak with Thomas. Just called the wrong name you know dementia and stuff. BYE!!" he walked away quicker than he talked.

"Um well that was weird." Katie announced.

"I should probably see what's going on with him." Shay said and with that he walked after him.

"Why can't Shay know about Dan's baby? That's his brother. Oh my God I just noticed Shay is going to be an uncle."

"Katie, Dan didn't want Shay knowing about the baby." I told her.

"Why not?"

"Because there are things happening here that are way out of our league."

"What is happening here?"

"I just need you to be completely quiet about Vega and Dan. Alright?"

"But why?"

"Just do what I ask you."

"Who put you in charge?"

"No one did. But I also recall no one is in charge. So I'm taking charge."

"We don't need a leader."

"We do."

"Why do we?"

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