Grow Up

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I woke up to sunlight coming through the trees I blinked and I got up quickly I touched the side of my head and I looked down at my hand that had traces of blood. I couldn't remember what had happened last night.. All I remember is the kiss between Shay and Millie.

What's going on?

I took a step forward and I grabbed a hold of a tree that was near by. My world was spinning.

I slid down the trunk and I sat there holding the side of my head. I groaned as I forced myself to stand up and slowly walk back to camp. I stumbled a couple of times but I managed to keep on my feet.

When I got there I could see Dan talking to Brett and the others circled them. Dan looked like he was about to go crazy at any given moment and Brett he just looked like he has been through hell and back and to hell again. "Take me to her." Brett told him and Dan looked at me.

"You think that's a good idea?" Shay asked quietly I almost couldn't hear him over the bullshit that came from it.

"What's going on?" I asked as I grabbed Vega's arm as I stumbled again. She caught me swiftly.

"Oh my God Hunter! Are you ok?" she asked as she held my arm firmly.

"Yeah. Nothing I can't handle. What's going on?"

"Dan and Shay found Tigeress."

"Oh they did?"

Dan looked at me frowning but he didn't say anything. "Yeah we did. She's hanging by the big willow tree. We cut her down." Shay said.

"Cut her down with what?" Brett asked.

"Dan has a switch blade."

"What willow tree?" I asked.

"By the pond umm." Shay turned from me and pointed to right of the trees "That way.. Anyone know what direction that is?"

"That way." Katie said smiling.

"Ok yeah well that way then."

"Guthrie would have known that." Thomas spoke up.

"Shut it already. He's dead there's nothing we can do about it. So shut the hell up. No one honestly cares anymore he's been gone for months now." Shay told him and Vega slapped him.

"Do it again." Vega said. "Do it again! Talk about my brother in that tone and we will see what happens. I will kill you myself. So do it again!!"

"Calm down." I told her and I slapped Shay. "You might not have a heart but the rest of us do and we all care about what happened to Guthrie do not talk about him in vain. You hear me?" he stood quietly smirking and I slapped him again. "DO YOU HEAR ME!!"

"Yeah I hear you. But I still don't know who put you in charge."

"I voted for him." Ellfie said and I jumped he was sleeping just moments ago.

"No one cares old man."

"Ok now I want to kill you dumbass."

"No one is killing anyone. Do you all hear me? I need one you bastards to show me where my wife is." Brett said as he grabbed Shay by his shirt and he lifted him up off of the ground a couple of inches. "You gotta show me where she is. Please... please.. please.. I can't keep living like this." Brett dropped him and he rubbed his arms viciously. 

Vega grabbed his hands and she smiled. "It's ok Brett... Are you honestly ready to see her?" she asked him and he shook his head yes. She looked up at Dan who rolled his eyes.

"Let's go then." Dan huffed as he walked in the direction that Shay pointed to a couple moments ago.

We all walked in single file this tree was closer than I thought it would have been. We were there in a matter of just minutes. Not enough time to prepare but there wasn't ever enough time to do that.

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