Is He?

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I felt my body flopped into thick grain and something fell into my side I opened my tired eyes to a surprise Shay was leaning up against me heaving he was soaked to the bone, his hair was sticking up in all sorts of ways and if I didn't hurt so much I would have laughed and pushed him off of me.

"Please don't die you big idiot you're the only one here with any real kind of brains.." Shay's tone was quiet and hard to hear the only thing that made any real kind of noise came from the ocean. The violent waves rang in my ears and I imagined it falling on all of us the memory of the cold wave sent a shiver down my spine. "You weren't kidding when you said you couldn't swim were you? Your doggy paddle was not a doggy paddle." he chuckled a bit but then stopped "Look I don't hate you and I'm sorry I beat the shit out of you. You hit Katie and I don't know I just kinda snapped. I know it was an accident. You would probably have down the same for her or Janice. I guess you could say I jump to a lot of conclusions and I often conclude with my fists so I'm sorry..."

"Guthrie!!!" Vega called out and my head shot up sending bits of sand in all directions.


"Guthrie!! Where did you go?!"

I started to get up and Shay helped me up the rest of the way "Thanks." I told him.


"Hu-.. SHAY!!!" Katie yelled and she ran up to him throwing her arms around his neck. "I was so worried about you." her eyes scanned over me like if she was talking to me. I rolled my eyes as she kissed his cheek and he wrapped his arms around her.

"Katie, Shay, Hunter did you happen to see where Guthrie went?" Vega asked.

"No." we all told her at once.

"Oh God."

"I'll help you look." I told her as I grabbed her hand and I started dragging her along. "Are you ok?"

"I will be once we find my brother."

"We'll find him. Alright?"

"I found Brett and Tigeress!" Thomas called out from the opposite side of the island "But no sign of Guthrie yet. Do you think the wave pushed him into the forest?!"

"You want to go look!?" Vega asked.

"Yeah I'll be back later but um we're still missing Shay, Katie, Dan, and Ellfie?"

"Katie and Shay are behind us!"

"Oh okay!"

"Keep a look out for Ellfie and Dan they could be anywhere." I told him. "And everyone stay away from the water!"

"But Guthrie might be out there." she turned towards the water and I grabbed her arm pulling her towards me before she got any wild ideas of jumping into the cold, smashing, violent water.

"I don't care if Jesus Christ is out there you stay away from the water."

"But Hunter."

"I know you're worried Vega were all are but we need to stay safe and the water isn't safe at this moment. I promise you the second the water calms down we will all go out there and look for him."

"Brett found him!" Tigeress yelled as she ran up to us. We took one glance at each other and ran the way Tigeress just came from.

I slowed to a steady pace as I saw the way Guthrie's body lied in the sand his left wrist was cracked the bone covered with red sand showed and I gagged from the sight of it, his right leg was lying over his head clearly broken and dislodged from its socket, his head was broken open and blood was dripping at a steady pace from it. His blood was forming a ring around him. His eyes are what scared me the most though were wide open and filled with fear.

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