Babies Bring People Slightly Closer and Slightly Further Apart

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I walked to the beach early in the morning Daniel was still asleep in my arms. That boy sure can sleep when he wants too... Or maybe he is awake and had found out that I was not going anywhere... We both need to find a way to come to terms with this burn.

It's who I am.

No amount of praying is going to let me be Hunter anymore.

I have been bless with this life I must be thankful that I'm still alive.

I sat in the sand and I watched the water tiptoe onto the sand and race out. It done it many times I lost track of how many times exactly but watching it was so peaceful.

"DAMN IT SHAY!!" Katie yelled and I jumped from the sudden outburst of voices.

"I'm sorry Katie." Shay told her.

"You have been saying that a whole lot lately and I do not see a whole lot of changing."

"I can't be held accountable for something that Millie does."

"Yeah you can be."


"Because she's your... friend.... girlfriend.. whatever you want to call her."

"I would call her neither."

"Well whatever the hell she is you are accountable for that freak."

"I'm sorry... Did she hurt you?"

"She fucking bite me while I was sleeping."


"Oh I'm sorry I didn't stop to ask her."

"I will talk to her."

"Do you love me Shay?"

"Of course I do."

"How much?"

"A lot.. I don't even have words to a metaphor to describe it."

"Good. Now I have been ok with her for a long time now. I have kept secrets from everyone for you... I have kept Thomas's secret for you now I would like you to do something for me."

"What do you want me to do?"

"It's me or her."

"You want me to choose?"


"It's not that simple."

"It's a simple yes Katie I love you or it's no Katie, Millie is my darling."

"It's yes and no... I can't just-"

"You know what just save it."

"Katie I do love you."

"Then prove it already. I have proved it time and time again for you."

"You know I can't do anything to Millie without her doing something in return... Now I already lost my brother I can't lose anyone else too. You gotta understand that the timing is not right.... If it was right I would choose you... And I'm choosing you now but I can't give up Millie and risk me, you, or Daniel dying.."

"I love you enough to not listen to any of that shit that just came out of your mouth. I heard yes Katie I love you." He smiled at her and I rolled my eyes as he kissed her cheek. "I think it's about time you earned a real kiss."

"I think I earned headphones!" I yelled out and Shay laughed.

"Sorry we didn't see you there." Shay said.

"Apparently. Interesting chatter."

"Shut up Hunter." Katie growled.

"Why don't you come over here and make me."

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