"Cuifen," I run to her arms and hug her back. I smell the all familiar scent of my nanny, very comforting. 

She's been the closest to me in my house. She's like my second mother. I guess she was the first person I laid eyes on the first time I could see...that's how busy my parents are. 

"I miss you, miss." She says.

"I miss you, too, Cuifen. Where's mom and dad? I thought they're gonna be here to meet me?" Did I really have to ask? Still I am a bit disappointed at their absence. 

"There was an emergency meeting at the company. They said sorry. They really wanted to come but it was so urgent." If they even remember to say sorry. I guess she's just making it up to make me feel better. 

"That's ok. You're here," I smile down at the petite woman. 

She orders the chauffeur to carry my things and put them in the car. 

"Your baby can't wait to see you," she says in the car. "I swear that baby of yours understands human talk. He has been restless when I told him you're coming home."

I giggle. I miss him, too. My baby, you might misunderstand, is my dog. He's a grey and white Siberian Husky. I've named him Snow. My dad got him for me when I was 14. That time, I couldn't stop nagging them about getting me a baby brother. So, they got me a dog instead. 

We entered the gates of my parents mansion. I can already see Snow jumping up and down the drive, waiting for my return. Even before I had my foot down on the ground, he leaped at me inside the car and licked almost every inch of my face. 

"Snow," I giggle, pushing him away gently so I could go out. He walks beside me to the house, rubbing his head against my leg. He even gets on my bed before me. 

One maid comes in the room with my bags. "Miss, if you're hungry the food is already set in the dining room." She says, taking out my things from my luggage. 

"That's fine. I'll just rest for a while." I lay beside Snow on my soft bed as I look around the bedroom I so miss. "Are my parents back yet?" I ask her. 

"Not yet, miss."

Since they weren't at the airport, they should've at least came home early to meet me. How important is this meeting anyway? I just sigh and close my tired eyes. 

The gentle knock on my door wakes me up from my sleep. Snow is already at the door when I get up and open it. 

"My baby," my mother comes in, hugging me with all her might. "I'm sorry we weren't able to meet you at the airport. 

"Mom," I hug her back. "I miss you."

"I miss you more, Ah-Cy." She loosens her grip and she has a very sweet smile on her face. The kind of smile that always make me do things for her. The kind of smile that I loved as a kid but scares me now that I know she wants me to do something for her again. 

"What?" I ask...eyeing her nervously.

"Nothing. Your dad's waiting for you at the dining room. The maid told me you haven't eaten yet. Let's have dinner together."

Dinner? What time is it? I squinted at the clock on the wall and realized I've only slept for five hours. Crap! I need more than that. But, I'm still eager to see my dad. I drag my jet-lagged body down behind my mother.

"Princess," my dad says in Chinese. He stands up from where he's sitting at the head of the table and bear-hugs me. "How was your flight?"

"Fine, dad." I pout at him, showing him how disappointed I was for their no-show in the airport. "You weren't there."

"I know. I'm sorry. We got caught up in this meeting."

"How important is that anyway? More important than me?" I scowl.

"Of course not, princess." He takes my chin and smiles at my pouting lips. "You're still the most important." 

Over dinner, we chat about the graduation ceremony that they didn't also attend. I told them about the trip I'm planning in two weeks. 

"What? You just got here and you're leaving again?" My dad says. 

"Dad, it's just for a month. I promised Vic I would go. Please......" I try to act cute, which I'm really bad at.

"That's not possible." My mom surprised me with her sternness. 

"Why not?" I look at her, fury in my eyes. I'm so used to doing what I want back in New Zealand, I almost forgot I'm back in China where I have parents to control me. 

She looks at my dad with eyes that tell me they're hiding something. My dad glares back at her moving his lips nervously. 

"What?" I ask, puzzled as to what is going on. 

My father seems to have lost in the glaring contest as he is the first to speak. He looks back at me, and I can see a bead of sweat forming just under his sideburn. 

"Tell me." I get nervous every second. I feel something big is gonna happen. 

"Princess," he starts, his voice a little shaky. "I....there's this...you see," he doesn't know how to continue. He looks at my mom for help but she only glares back at him. "Okay....you are getting engaged." He says with his eyes closed. 

"WHAT??????" Engaged? I don't even have a boyfriend, how can I get engaged? Is this some kind of a sick joke? "I don't understand." I look at my dad then to my mom and back at my dad again. 

"I'm sorry," now it's my mom's turn to speak up. "I know we promised you not to have this arranged marriage thing...but...something happened and....the company is..."

"ENOUGH!" I shout. What are they saying? That they've finally joined the other tycoons and agreed to this kind of shit? I thought they said they're not letting me go through that. Why now? What happened?

Instead of hearing the whole story, I run up to my room and lock the door behind me, leaving a whining Snow on the other side. 

Engaged? Marriage? What the fuck are they thinking? My tears won't even come out, it's just confusion that I'm feeling. What is happening to my parents' company that would force them to succumb to that bullshit?


Finally, I'm done with the first chapter. I've thought for a long time for this, debating on how I would start. I hope you like it, though. Even if Mark's not in it yet

Please tell me what you think. 

Lav ya'll...

This story is being translated in Chinese by @user35980172 

If you prefer to read it in that language, you can go to  http://my.w.tt/UiNb/WnRxNqdpKG

I Love You, But I Lied - Mark Tuan and Got7 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now