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Alex and Clair were out, picking up dinner. They were giggling and laughing when Claire heard something rustling in the alley way. "Who's there?" Alex asked as Claire pulled out her gun. Suddenly, a dog padded out of the trash and whimpered with fear.

Claire put her gun away and kneeled down. "Hey boy, you lost?" She didn't see a tag. "Or are you just hungry?" Claire chuckled and rubbed her his head. She stood up and looked behind her, "Alex? Where did you go?"

"I'm right here." Alex said, leaning against the brick wall, facing the other side of the street and not the alley. "It's just a dog, no danger." Alex nodded but looked down

"Nothing is going to hurt you, it's just a stray." Claire said, worried about Alex. "Weren't we getting food?" Alex said and pulled Claire along with her. Claire watched the dog and sighed, moving to look at Alex.

"So what was that? Back at the alley?" Claire asked as she held the to go bags of food. "What was what? Just a dog." Alex said, looking away. "Oh, I get it, you're afraid of dogs." Claire said.

Alex shook her head, trying to laugh it off. "No! It just startled me. Don't we need to get this food back to Jody?" She said, trying to hurry home. "Hey, it's okay to be afraid! Even if it's...dogs." She tried to contain her laughter

"Wait! I'm sorry! It's just dogs are so cute and a great best friend." Claire explained and wrapped an arm around Alex.

Soon, they were home and had finished dinner quickly. "Can we please talk about the dog thing?" Claire said, very curious and missing that stray. "There is nothing to talk about. It's making me uncomfortable." Alex said a little harshly.

Claire groaned and moved behind Alex, "Just tell me." She said, kissing her cheek. Alex began to laugh and squirmed, "No, stop. I'm suppose to be getting mad at you." "Just tell me and then you can be mad at me."

Alex sighed and gave in after awhile. "It started when I was young. I was about 8 or 9 when it happened. When I was playing outside, I heard a really strange sound and tires screeching. It was my dog, he got run over."

"I, of course not knowing better, ran over to my dog. He was still alive so I hugged him. I guess he didn't like because he tried to tear my face up. I still got scars." Alex said and pulled back her hair to have a small puncture marks on the edges of her chin and forehead.

"Oh, Alex. I'm so so sorry, I didn't know. I shouldn't have forced you to tell me." Claire rambled and wiped Alex's tears away. She kissed her softly to try to make it better

Alex kissed back and pulled away to sniffle. "It was like ten years ago, I'm okay. But if you ever want a pet, please let me know before it tries to scare me." Claire laughed and nodded, "Will do. I love you so much." She kissed her deeply.

A few weeks later, Claire found that stray again. It followed her home and asked to keep him. Jody said it was okay and Alex agreed. "You better redeem your species." She muttered to it and he licked her face. "Thank you." Alex hugged him, "I'm going to love you."

Supernatural: Alex and ClaireWhere stories live. Discover now