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"No! No you did not! You didn't do this!" Claire yelled in Alex's blood covered face. "Claire, Claire, Claire. Don't be such a baby. You knew it would happen eventually. You think I was going to keep being a sad little girl?" Alex hissed into Claire's ear. Alex smirked and licked the blood from around her lips and sliced her tongue on her fangs. 

"You didn't have to do this! You were not sad or weak or little. I loved you!" Claire screamed and pushed Alex away from her. "Jody loved you! Dean and Sam loved you! Castiel loved you! We all have saved your ass! You just threw it away." She started to walk away.

Alex growled and took her wrist. "Don't walk away from me!" She exclaimed and pulled Claire close. "Don't say loved, its not very sweet of you to lie." She hisses, listening to the racing heart beat of Claire. She laughed, "You still love me, you will never hate me."

Claire felt fear seep up her spine and tried to shake the feeling. She hated feeling frightened and small. Alex laughed, "See! It's not fun is it? This is why I turned! Claire, I can turn you!" "Never you crazy bitch! I feel afraid because of you and I can fix that. You were scared and chose not to fix it!" 

Alex screeched in anger and threw Claire down. "I'm not going to ask anymore!" She held Claire down and sliced her wrist with her fangs. Alex them forced the blood down Claire's throat. She laughed and got off of her. Claire screamed at Alex with rage and angry tears. "I hate you! I really hate you! Look what you did!" 

She looked over Claire and smirked, "I did a good job." Claire continued to yell with anger which made Alex happier. "Now, you need to feed or you are going to die a very painful death." She smirked, "I'll get us dinner." She then tied Claire up.

Alex was back after a few hours with some random guy. "Shut up." She said to the guy and knocked him out. Claire watched her and tried to pull out of the ropes. Alex laughed and then untied Claire. "I'm giving you a chance to feed on your own. Just a little bite and a little blood then you won't hate me anymore. You will love me." 

Claire got to her feet and shook her head. "Don't make me do this, please" Alex got the man to his feet and shoved him at Claire. "I will force you, so do it!" Claire hiccuped on a cob and looked at the gentleman in her arm. 

Claire sobbed as she slowly bit down onto the neck of the man. She felt him squirm and begin to cry out. In minutes, he bled out into her mouth and onto his shirt. Claire started to feel dizzy and held her head.

"It worked! Claire! Claire! You're one of us now! You don't have to be in pain or fear." Alex shouted and kissed Claire deeply. She pulled away and Claire laughed, "Oh my sweet Alex, you are so much more than afraid." She giggled and kissed Alex deeply once more.

((Read if you want  a dark(er) 'alternate' ending))

Years went by as they both became one of the most powerful vampire couple. They managed to stay off the Winchester radar until Jody came searching. They were captured like all other vampires but Dean, Sam, and Jody couldn't bring it to themselves to torture them or even killing them. That meant they were the victims. Claire put up a fake act which tricked Jody. She was lifeless in minutes. Alex then got out of her shackles and kidnapped Sam and Dean. They were a blood source until one day, Alex and Claire both drank them dry.

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