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"Alex!" Claire screamed, crying out. Alex had been dragged away by vampires a few days ago. Claire continued to have nightmares about it since she felt so guilty for not saving her. She could not have done anything about it though; she was tied up and gagged in a chair. Jody had found her and they moved both of them into the bunker for safety. 

All of the bunkers residents ran to her room. Jody pushed past the boys and held Claire tight. "It's alright sweetie, we will find her." She looked to the guys and they nodded. "We are looking for her as we speak, looking for leads," Sam said. Dean cleared his throat, "Yeah, we were going ou-" Jody glared at him and gave him a look saying if you finish that sentence you're dead. He put his hands up and backed out of the room. Sam nodded towards her and left with Dean.

Claire sobbed into Jody, mumbling about her nightmares and what could be going on. Jody tried to calm her but she knew what she said was probably true. "Just do not do anything stupid, please." Claire nodded rubbing her face. Jody smiled and kissed her forehead. "Get some more sleep, we all need it."

She never went back to sleep. Claire stayed up, sneaking onto one of the Winchester's laptop. She found her own leads and had the knowledge of hot wiring a car. Quietly, she went to the garage and picked one of the many cars. It took only minutes to floor out of the garage and out of town.

"DEAN! SAM!" Jody yelled in anger and concern. They hurried to where she yelled and looked for the danger. The only danger was a teary eyed Jody, "She left. She went after them." The boys got dressed, packed and then headed out after Claire.

It took a couple of days, but the guys finally found Claire. A fake name at a motel a state over. Claire was in the room, trying to get in contact with one of the captors. "Claire!" Dean yelled, knocking on the door. "Shit!" She threw the laptop down and made a few tears come to her eyes. 'This isn't enough' She thought as she scratched her face, smearing blood. Before she could get the door, Dean busted in.

Claire avoided their eyes as Jody was cleaning up her face, "This exactly what I told you not to do!" She said, but was relieved to find Claire mostly okay. "Alright, well since you're here, Alex must be in this town too." Dean said and then saw his laptop. "You stole my laptop?!" "You are a heavy sleeper."Claire responded. 

After some more parenting from Jody, the group left to go follow the lead on Alex. Dean pulled up to a house very much like the last house Alex was in. Claire was told to stay in the car, but screw that. She was the first one to the front door. Sam kicked the door open and the place smelt heavily of blood and other disgusting things. "They're keeping her here! It's worse than a morgue." Claire exclaimed and Jody covered her mouth as she heard footsteps.

"Winchester. Novak. Mills. I didn't think it would take you this long to find the girl." "Well I'm here now AssButt, now give her to me. Now!" Claire screamed and pulled out her gun. The vampire just laughed and the boys pushed Claire back. "Do what she says. Give us Alex, now! I wouldn't mess with a 17 year old girls crush." Dean said with a smirk. Claire and everyone looked at him like he lost his mind.

"Really, Dean?" Sam said and Dean shrugged. The man laughed at the scene, "So that's who she won't stop blubbering about! I was this close to cutting off her tongue." He held up a small space between his fingers and continued to laugh. "That would have been unfortunate though, then you two could never french kiss." Claire practically tried to strangle him, but Jody held her back. 

This didn't keep her from getting a bullet in his head. Dean then went to chopping off the vampires head as he had the chance. "Can we burn it for fun?" Claire asked, but didn't for an answer as she heard a human scream. "Alex!"

Alex was tied up, completely drenched in blood and covered in bruises. "Alex! I'm here! I'm here!" Claire said/yelled as she undid the restraints and picked her up. "I will get you back home. No one is going to follow us home, not with me on the watch." She kissed her forehead and then hurried out to car. 

They all drove back in silence besides for Alex's pain-filled cries. Once they arrived, Claire took her to the main room and laid her on the table. Sam was already getting the multiple first aid kits. Claire was working on cleaning all of the blood off. After seeing a better picture, it was more apparent to getting to the hospital. 

Alex was in the hospital for two weeks from blood loss, broken bones, and multiple of lacerations. "Some one really wanted their revenge." Jody said to Sam and Dean as they drank coffee outside of Alex's room.  "At least they didn't get to finish. I hope Claire won't want to do the same to those people." Sam said and Jody agreed.

Claire had stayed with Alex the whole time, laying right next to her in bed. "Alex, I love you. I really love you." She kissed Alex and then fell asleep while Alex had a goofy grin in her sleep. 

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